The 5 Second Rule

The 5 Second Rule

The 5 Second Rule

I can’t remember exactly when I first heard about Mel Robbins and The 5 Second Rule on my youtube feed, however, I know that I was intrigued about some of the stuff Mel was saying and it was making SO much sense at the time.

Well, I’ve finally finished the book and what an awesome read it was.

I think it’s going to be a book that I’ll pick up again and again, as there are so many reminders we need to stay true to ourselves and live the life we desire without procrastination or fear of failure. 

I have to say I’m a bit of shocker when it comes to reading books, as I generally have about 4 books on the go at one time.

I so love reading and how the words in some books just pop out and you go “hell yeah”, which is what Mel’s book did for me.

There are so many things we already know on a daily basis we “should be doing” but reading this book gives you a gentle reminder to continue to put certain things back into practice.

I had so so many “take-outs” from this book that I’ve written down and will keep for myself to look over to remind me to stay true, be brave & stop procrastinating.

I’ll do my best to highlight the main ones that I got out of the book, without giving too much away in case you decide to read it for yourself.

So here goes my “take-outs”…

  1.  I do the count down with our daughter and didn’t realise it until I read this book and yes the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 count down definitely works!
  2.  How to beat fear & procrastination by using the principals and practises Mel describes.
  3.  We are the problem no one else – for whatever is going on in our life.
  4.  Trust your gut & yourself more – research confirms the “gut theory”.
  5.  Letting go. There are always people who are going to jealous, envious or just plain don’t like you. That’s ok. Stay true to yourself, move on and forgive!
  6.  Improve your life by moving and stop making excuses – JUST DO IT!….and
  7.  How to stop overthinking things.

We all struggle with the same self-defeating problems.

We all doubt ourselves.

Don’t buy into these feelings….

There you go just a few of my “take-outs” from Mel Robbins book The 5 Second Rule!

An awesome read for anyone who wants to improve some part in their life.

Reading books can inspire us to become more of who we want to be.

Be inspired, read more, love more, live more and just be you – you are perfect exactly the way you are.  So embrace you and be HAPPY!

If there’s a book you love then please let me know as I’d love to hear what  📚 inspires you 💝

What will be your story at 90 years of age?

What will be your story at 90 years of age?

If you had the magical power to change your life into what you really desired it to be like, would you exercise that power?

Absolutely, of course, you would!

First, you would have to strip away the fantasy and then you would have to get down to the nuts and bolts of what you would really want for your life.

Most people, for a number of reasons, never get past the fantasy stage.

Some are not aware they really could make the change, while others are too lazy or throw up excuses and complaints.  After all – change does require effort.

So get serious for a moment and ask yourself this question……. are you prepared to do the work to achieve the life you truly desire?

Let’s take a moment to stop and imagine you are 90 years of age today. 

I want you to write down all the things you have done and achieved.  I want you to write down every adventure and holiday you’ve taken.  Write down the homes you’ve lived in, the cars you’ve driven, the lifestyle you have created for you and your family and how this makes you feel.

Let your imagination go…….

Mmmm, so have you lived the life you had always hoped and dreamed of?

  • What did you achieve in those last 50 or so years in your life?
  • Did you live the life you truly desired?
  • Were their many wonderful memories and adventures?
  • Did you travel to some exotic places?
  • Are you now living a very comfortable life and one without money issues?
  • Is it fun to be able to spoil your family with the money you have accumulated during your working years? and
  • Is your heart warm with joy from being able to have given to the many charities of your choice?

No…….then maybe it’s time to do something about it don’t you think?

So if you are not where you would like to be and your money just isn’t working for you, then do something about it. 

The key is to start building financial muscle/wealth so that over time, choices become a lot easier and less stressful without financial concerns.

It’s about money working to your advantage and not to your bank or financial institutions so they become richer, while you become poorer.

It’s time to up your financial education…..

Want to find out how?  Then check out the link below on how you can live the life you desire, while your money works for you, not the other way around.

Your Money Right Now

Your Money Right Now gets to the core of what’s happening with your money and teaches you practical ways on how to cut your mortgage in half the time, get rid of those pesky credit cards and other debts in the shortest time possible.

Check it out – you have nothing to lose BUT a lot more to gain!

To your financial health 

my signature name

Financial Management 101:  teaching you how to build financial muscle!


There’s no such thing as stress

There’s no such thing as stress

“The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs.  You can’t package stress, touch it, or see it.  There are only people engaged in stressful thinking” …… by Dr Wayne Dyer.

Well if that’s the case, then we have an enormous number of people engaging in stressful thoughts on a daily basis!

So if there is no actual stress but stressful thoughts – what’s causing us to think stressful then?

Top 5 areas that stress us out:

49%  Personal finances                                               

45%  Family issues                                                      

44%  Personal health

40%  Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle

38%  Issues with the health of close ones

According to research provided by the Australian Psychology Society’s 2016 well-being survey year on year for the last 5 years.

piggy bank and coin

The research continues to show that Financial Issues remain No 1 for us.

It’s no surprise that family issues follow a close second.  For whenever the home life is experiencing financial pressure the family members whether young or old feel the flow on effect of this.

How we are managing this stress?

Not very well according to the research.  Instead of seeking help, information and/or knowledge to improve our situation – we are drinking more, playing more online games, continuing to smoke, gambling and even taking to recreational drug use.

Which is like being on a merry-go-round because it’s costing more money to afford these habits and creating more problems for your health!

Stress plays havoc with our body and you can take a look for yourself to see how it can affect certain parts of it!

Effects of Stress on the Body

As you can see above, stress can and will cause some serious issues in your body.

So here’s 5 ways you can alleviate and possibly move stress out of your life:

  1. Move your body; dance, walk or any other exercise that you enjoy. This will release endorphin’s in your brain that make you feel happy and more alive.
  1. Laugh; watch a movie that makes you laugh out loud or spend time with family and friends that make you feel good and laugh lots. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh.
  1. Eat clean healthy food; food that nourishes and strengthens your body not depletes it or makes you feel sluggish and lethargic. There’s nothing like a meal that makes you feel really satisfied.  One of the meals that does it for me is fish and my favourite is Whiting piled with broccoli, pumpkin and sweet potato or a chunky bowl of salad.
  1. Read or listen; to books on self-improvement that educate and create a healthy positive belief in you.
  1. Gratitude; write out every day the areas in your life you are grateful for. Be thankful for the wonderful things you have in your life.
  1. Think positive thoughts; thinking negative thoughts bring you down and only create more negative things in your life.

“The Secret” a movie and audio produced a few years ago is a great start to re-program your thinking in this area.

There are many other great authors that I love and Dr Wayne Dyer’s – Being in Balance is another that I highly recommend reading or listening to check out the sample audio here Being In Balance.

Tony Robbins also has a great 2 min video on “How to pull yourself out of a funk”  you can check it out here Tony Robbins.

  1. Be committed; to learning more about your health and understanding about what’s happening with your money. There are loads of resources on this subject and your local library has loads of good books on this subject.  Another way to build on your financial knowledge is to listen to podcasts by financial experts or take an online course, where you can do this in the privacy of your own home.  If you like to learn online, we offer a great first course to get you heading in the right direction and it is a little as $99 for a limited time.    You can check out it by this link on Your Money Right Now.

By making YOU a priority and investing the time into discovering what makes you truly happy – you will change your life.  Change your life to live the way you truly desire.

You are magnificent and perfect exactly the way you are and the world needs more people like you – the very fact you are reading this is proof.  So don’t be afraid to be YOU.

If you like what you’ve read, share this with your friends and colleagues.

To your financial health 

my signature name

Financial Management 101:  teaching you how to build financial muscle!


Are you a duck?

Are you a duck?

The duck can represent so many different areas of our life.

If we look at it in terms of our financial health…. we often appear to others that we are very calm and controlled on the surface but under the water, we are kicking like crazy to stay afloat.

Debt – any debt, whether it be our home loan, credit cards or money owed to the family – is something that tends to creep up on you like the ocean tide, before you know it you are 6ft underwater with no sign of a life raft to keep you afloat.

So how do you ensure there is a life raft around when you need one and eventually become less reliant on this support?

Well, you do this by building financial muscle.  What do I mean by financial muscle?

Well, financial muscle is much like the muscles in our body.  Unless we work on them, they will become lazy, weak and flabby.  How do you keep your body in shape – you exercise.

Building financial muscle is much the same thing.  It’s building on your knowledge and resources so that your money is working hard for you – and not becoming lazy and consumed with bad debt.  Bad debt is like flab on the body – it serves no purpose and is best to be removed.

Financial muscle is about building up your wealth, paying off debt and having a good honest look at what’s going on with your money.  It’s about learning how to make money work for YOU!

There are a few ways to build on financial muscle and one of them is taking a look at your current spending habits.

The process of reducing debt and budgeting go hand in hand.  Unfortunately, the reality of budgeting and taking account of the financial spending habits for most of us is not always the most exciting thing on our agenda.

Budgeting means having the discipline and if discipline doesn’t come easily, then it means the person needs to put themselves on a strict regime where they have to be disciplined or at the very least seek the assistance of specialist financial help.

If you are looking for a little more help in this area then check out the course that was developed with you in mind – Your Money Right Now.

This course will help you gain more discipline and provide financial education on how best to manage your money.

To your financial health 

my signature name

Financial Management 101:  teaching you how to build financial muscle!




Seven Year Switch – Love it or Hated it?

Seven Year Switch – Love it or Hated it?

You either loved it…. or you hated it?

And…..I loved it!

But not because I enjoy watching couples air out their dirty laundry.

These type of shows appeal to my psychology interest, because of the human behaviour traits that I’m so fascinated with.

I’ve spent loads of time reading and researching the way we interact and it still astounds me today that some of us just don’t get it.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself”! 

It’s simple hey, but who actually does it?  Not many I’m guessing by the way these shows keep popping up on the idiot box.

When you look at this show in particular.   There were so many common traits that couples are experiencing themselves behind closed doors.

Firstly, we don’t stop to actually hear what the other person is saying.  We are too busy thinking about what we want to say.

And because of this, we are missing out on vital clues about how our partner is feeling or thinking about a certain issue or situation.  

The other thing that we all crave is to be loved and appreciated.  To be heard and not just seen.

All couples in this show expressed concern over money. 

For one couple is was starting a new business that was draining their cash reserves.  While another was spending on gadgets and toys and not putting money towards their wedding.  Not making that serious commitment of moving forward in their relationship.  And for the other couple, it was not having any input into the family budget.

Common denominators but the underlying issue – lack of communication!

I’m going to be known as Karen’s counselling service soon ha, ha   🙂 

Because the last 3 clients I saw were seeing marriage counsellors and during our financial sessions were bringing these issues to the table.  

I no longer see clients face to face.  I felt that I could have a better impact by providing online tools and resources in the way of financial education courses.  These courses serve people who don’t want to or feel embarrassed to share their financial challenges with a financial expert.

When listening to these couples – they still loved each other.  Angry and frustrated and didn’t really want to split up.

They were just bad at communicating and sharing what’s happening with their money.  Half the time didn’t know the best way to work their finances out. 

Many couples experience this… and are afraid to tell anybody. 

As a business colleague of mine shared recently – meeting with someone like myself and discussing how possibly bad in their mind their money management skills are – was like going to the Doctors and taking their pants down to reveal a massive boil on their butt!

I have an awesome course coming out soon that deals with these very issues and gets couples opening up talking about their money – having their money work better for them.  You can head over the “Courses Pages” to check it out.

In the meantime, grab your free copy of the Workbook “It’s YOUR Life” NOW from the side menu.

To your financial health

my signature name 

Financial Management 101:  teaching you how to build financial muscle!



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