You may have noticed or “may not” that I’ve been off the air and haven’t posted or shared anything for a while.
There’s a couple of reasons for that and I’ll share with you ONE now and the other I’ll save for another time in a more intimate group via a live training call on how to move forward when you’re feeling emotionally, mentally and financially stuck.. soon.
So make sure you keep an eye out and join me for this special live training.
So one of the reasons I’ve been a little quiet is because I’ve felt there’s been so much noise on social media loads of talk, new stuff coming on our feed – some good and some I feel not so good.
So I decided to stop and just think about what are people looking for?
What am I looking for?
The answers were obvious.
Firstly. we all want the same things in life to live free from stress and worry, whether it be about money, relationships, work or other stuff.
A life that when we come to the end of our days we can say YES we had a good time and we lived the best possible life for us, one with loads of fun and a life with meaning.
And secondly, what I discovered was that 80% of life is about the stuff that’s going on between our ears the constant conversation we’re having in our head, where the 20% is about the doing – the know-how.
You see I use to think it was the other way round.
80% – knowledge, know-how and just doing it, while the
20% – is about mindset and getting that right.
I realised that in order for my clients to be truly successful in all areas of life I have to help them unravel what’s going on upstairs. What thoughts, beliefs and misconceptions they were constantly thinking about themselves and their life.
You see most of my clients were sabotaging their long term happiness because of the beliefs they were carrying around about themselves – self-sabotaging thoughts.
As I started to work more closely with them I discovered their limiting beliefs were holding them back from living the life they truly desired.
So I had to change things up and flip things on their head “so to speak” by focussing on breaking down these limiting beliefs and re-building new thoughts about themselves to create a realistic transformation.
Because what I discovered was that it wasn’t as easy as I thought to just to get their money in order, I had to get their mind thinking different thoughts, because most didn’t feel good about themselves or even like who they are.
So I’ve decided to change things up a bit and spend time equally talking about mindset and financial, with more emphasis on looking to improve some of the crappy beliefs we carry around about ourselves.
For example; when you truly love yourself and are at peace with who you are and how your life is you find that you don’t talk about people, bitch about them or compare yourself to them.
You also find you have less interest in gossiping and spend more on what makes you happy.
If you don’t believe me then I challenge you to stop and listen to the thoughts you have in your head and hear the words you’re speaking.
Are you talking about someone all the time, sticking your nose in where it’s not wanted or are you an active listener and participating in conversations without judgement and criticism?
When we take our focus off others and focus on our own life – we’re able to help not only ourself live a better life but others around us, because we’re not getting involved in their dramas.
What we’re doing is freeing the often negative, exhaustive thoughts that are constantly swirling around in our head when we’re not involved in gossip, criticism or judgement.
So it’s all about the 80/20.
80% – Mindset, thoughts, beliefs & how we feel.
20% – Know-how, knowledge & education.
In order to build both financial and emotional muscle, learn to let go and focus on yourself and your happiness first.
For more support and help to do this join my monthly coaching or access, any of my ONLINE PROGRAMS to live the life you’ve always dreamed.
Until next time…….here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.
The words wealthy and rich are words that tend to make some of us cringe and bring up feelings that all wealthy people are “up” themselves and rotten sods, which is not always the case.
When people think about wealth it often triggers poverty thinking and brings up fears, conditioning and unhealthy thoughts.
It makes people so uncomfortable that what happens is their behaviour makes them look for ways to make themselves feel better, about being poor.
Here in Australia, we love pulling those down that do better than us. We get jealous and our personalities turn very quickly when we’re in the company of wealthy people.
The tall poppy syndrome sadly is still strong in Australia. For those that don’t know what the tall poppy syndrome is? Well, it describes aspects of a culture where people of “perceived” high status are resented, attacked, cut down or criticised because they have been classified as superior to their peers.
New research has found its keeping many Australians – especially women – from pursuing their dreams and holding people back from reaching their true potential.
Dr Fiona Wood AM asked kids (when visiting schools after she won Australian of the Year in 2004)….
“How often have you done less than your best so that others around you didn’t feel uncomfortable?”
She cringed and felt upset to hear that they all gave an example of this and some felt proud of it.
She went onto to say in an interview, that there’s absolutely no mileage in the world to be matter what job you do.
You’ve got to understand yourself, so you can match your work ethic with your full potential.
You need to make your own decisions, stand up and be proud of what you’re doing.
Negative energy is a black hole and if you want to go wasting your precious time here on earth being part of it – then go ahead and jump in the black hole.
The opinion from others of you is theirs – you don’t have to own it.
The key is to keep learning, refining and up-skilling so that each day whatever you want gets easier to achieve.
One day at a time and one foot in front of the other is all you can do somedays.
Working hard and keeping your eye on the prize or the goal and never giving up, is the way to winning and living your life full, happy and with loads of wealthy potential.
People who don’t make decisions are wasting their human potential to do, be and create something great in their life.
I believe we all have that something special in us and it’s time to knock the tall poppy syndrome on its feet, ignore it and don’t let this stop you.
We live in a world where anything we dream is possible.
Prove naysayers wrong and don’t engage in pointless negativity & criticism.
We have to start somewhere when it comes to managing our money better and that starts with building financial muscle. Once you have the foundations in place, it’s a lot easier and faster to build on your wealth.
My course “How To Keto Your Money” is the building block for building on your financial foundations. Once you’ve got the foundations set up, I will then show you how to start automatically building on your wealth, so you can retire wealthy and live a life with more freedom.
Find out more by clicking here…How To Keto Your Money and I’ll look forward to helping you achieve your full financial potential.
Changing a money habit is NOT merely a matter of saying… yep, I’m not going to spend everything I earn this payday or I’m not going to overspend on my credit card this month from impulse buying.
Poor money habits I believe come from a deeper concern than just spending on meaningless stuff. Stuff that half of the time we don’t need or even use.
So where do these money habits come from?
Well before I answer this. I want to remind you what an actual habit is.
A habit is a behaviour that is learned when we regularly keep doing the same thing over and over again without even thinking.
Money habits are no different than the habit of brushing your teeth when you first get up in the morning or after breakfast. It’s a behaviour that becomes ingrained in how we treat and respect our money. One that we are fully aware of the consequences that follow if our habits are from poor money decisions.
Is there a cure for our poor money habits?
Yes, I believe there is. However, it takes time, discipline, awareness and mental strength in order for anyone to break this habit.
How long can it take to change a habit?
According to psychologists, while it may take approximately 21 days of conscious and consistent effort to create a new habit, it takes far longer to break an existing habit.
From personal experience in working with clients who want to change their poor money habits – it takes a lot longer.
You see there are deeper issues at play why some of us have poor money habits that can at times border on addiction. Just like any addiction, it’s more often than not about something that’s happened in the past.
A habit is not necessarily an addiction, though the two are strongly linked. A habit is any conscious behaviour you do on a routine basis.
Addiction is more about the behaviour to an excessive degree whereby someone feels unable to stop or control it.
Our self worth is often tied to our poor money habits. Our poor money habits can come from the messages we heard growing up and from the examples, we saw when we were younger.
Some of us spend when we feel low or unhappy to give us the kick “or high” we hope to make us feel good about ourselves. The hope that is supposed to fill the void we’re so looking to fill.
When in fact it’s much like the high you get from either an alcohol or drug addiction. Feels good at the time but hell when coming down from the high.
What’s the price of not changing our money habits?
There’s a high price to pay and that comes in the form of massive debt, poverty, unhappiness, envy & jealousy and often health issues.
So how do you move from poor money habits?
What are some of the ways to transform a poor money situation?
3 ways you can change a money habit is to:
1. First, acknowledge that you have a problem. A problem that you’re spending more than you earn, A problem that sees you with credit card debt, personal debt and other debt that you have no hope in paying off anytime soon. Being aware that you’re deep up to your elbows in debt and it’s time to get out, this is the first step.
2. Get help. Get the support you need to help you move forward. Having someone who understands and willing to help you means you’re not alone. It also gives you someone you can be accountable to. Someone who has a vested interest in seeing you succeed and live a better life without financial worry or stress.
3. And lastly, find your purpose – YOUR why. The reason you want a better life and one that doesn’t include massive debt or poor money habits. Set some goals. Write down how you want your life to be. What you want for your life and keep this at the forefront of your mind.
Writing down your dreams, goals and desires keeps you focussed and helps you work towards the bigger picture and what you want in life.
Breaking a habit takes a lot of willpower and motivation.
Ending the cycle of poor money habits is generally easier when it’s something you want to do rather than something others say you should do.
For anyone looking for coaching, support, education and help in moving towards their goals, then check out my “no lock-in contract” monthly coaching program.
The MONTHLY COACHING PROGRAM provides you with the support you require throughout your financial journey for a fraction of the price for $37 per month.
I’ve just opened up this program, as I’m getting a lot of questions asking if I have a monthly coaching program for a small cost.
We took this at 1am after cleaning up from his party 🎉 on Saturday night remembering we didn’t get one photo of the 3 of us. Too late for our daughter to get into the photo as she was fast asleep 😴 by then.
Reaching 50 or any milestone in your life is worth celebrating 🥳.
It’s important to celebrate the milestones along the way whether it be birthdays, paying off debt, work achievements or whatever joy and happiness has come in at that time.
When we celebrate the special milestones in our life it triggers a change in habit to our brain 🧠 and this enables more of the good stuff to come in.
Celebrating even the fact you’re still here is a major milestone today as I’m sure we’ve all had special people in our life that are not here and had their time cut short.
Gratitude and appreciating all that you have in life – whether you don’t feel like being grateful because of certain circumstances that have occurred in your life – is the key to receiving more.
Now I’m not going to bang on here about gratitude and appreciation, as I feel there is plenty of that out there for you to tap into in other’s messages.
What I do want to share and highlight is to truly appreciate all what you have today whether it be a little or a lot and be thankful that you’re here.
So enjoy every milestone and moment in your life and live with love and gratitude ❤️
p.s. check out that rogue strand of hair sticking out lol – I was too tired to take another photo but love that we finally got one of the two of us before the night was out. Important to document special occasions even with unruly hair 🙂
Most of us desire happiness and balance but very few of us know how to get it in their life.
This is a tough subject because there are so many factors that inhibit us from truly being happy.
The obvious one that appears a lot is the lack of money and the other is we’re too busy being busy that we’re not stopping to see what’s going on around us and then making the changes we need to bring more happiness and joy in our life.
I was reflecting this morning how for the first time in weeks how I have really enjoyed the start of the school day with my daughter and how it felt when I wasn’t rushing her to get ready for school, with packing her bag, brushing her teeth and brushing her hair ready for me to tie up.
Ruby loves to dance in front of the mirror and often comes up with dance moves. Typical pre-teen. She’s got some good dance moves even though she doesn’t want to do dancing lessons. She often breaks out in dance moves when I feel we don’t have the time.
However, this particular day I just allowed and it was such a special moment. I caught myself really smiling just not a smirk to humour her and I was caught up in her moment. It reminded me of what life was like when I was a kid many moons ago. The freedom to do whatever I wanted without worry, without the hassle of all the things it takes to be an adult today with the many responsibilities.
So why today, what was so special about today…what was different about it. Why did I stop and be in the moment and be present in my daughter’s usual shenanigans?
It hit me about an hour later after I dropped her at school.
The ahhha moment at that time was,….take pressure off yourself – things will get done when they’re meant to get done. You can’t rush life.
Now some of you listening may be thinking that this is not the most motivating conversation for but for me, it was and made so much sense.
It was about knowing what’s really important and why we are working – not just to earn an income and pay our bills. For most of us we’re working – so we can build a life that we want to enjoy. It’s about creating a life we truly desire and makes us happy.
So many people strive for balance but most don’t actually get there. We’re too busy working, shuffling kids to sports, birthday parties and other things that we do when we have a family and taking care of our loved ones or whatever fills our busy adult days.
Life is precious.
Going back to my moment this morning something also hit me….
Last year my Dad’s 3 eldest brothers past away plus his best childhood friend all in the same year.
It was a reality call that highlighted again to me that I can’t take life for granted and I have to make each moment count.
I’ve heard that saying before but never really took much notice of it until reflecting at the end of last year.
Make each moment count as you just don’t know when our time on earth is up – none of us know when we will take our last breath.
Choose to spend time with the people that count. I’m choosing spend my time with the family and friends who make me happy and bring joy into my life and not because I have to see them.
Spend time with people who make you laugh, people who don’t judge, aren’t jealous or envious of you but love you for who you are warts and all.
Choose to declutter and detox not only things in and around your house, but people who don’t bring you happiness.
Choose to live life the way God intended us to – in peace, harmony and joy.
I challenge you here today to do more of what makes you happy. Reflect on all that is good in your life and clean out that which is not.
Don’t be afraid to offend people. Just do what you feel is right for you and your family.
It’s such a good feeling once you’ve done this – trust me!
This is one of the gifts I can give our daughter – teaching her to live her life with no regrets. Not worrying about what people think or say about her behind her back. To believe in herself and not listen to what other people say or think of her, but to listen to how she feels.
People will always have an opinion on who you are and how you should live your life. Choose not to let them get under your skin and choose your own special brand of happiness.
When you worry about what other people think it’s because you either have low self esteem and want to feel accepted or because in some truth there’s something about you that you possibly you need to change.
The people we are attract in our life often mirror something we like or don’t like about ourself.
Your reality is what you’re focussing on and thinking about is having a mirroring effect into what you’re attracting into your life whether it be a positive or negative experience.
It’s important to feed yourself and the next generation with positiveness, hope and the expectation we can achieve anything if we choose.
Choose to be happy and take the inspired action.
What are some of the ways you are choosing to be more happier and decluttering negativity out of your life? Let me know by leaving me your thoughts below.
I can’t remember exactly when I first heard about Mel Robbins and The 5 Second Rule on my youtube feed, however, I know that I was intrigued about some of the stuff Mel was saying and it was making SO much sense at the time.
Well, I’ve finally finished the book and what an awesome read it was.
I think it’s going to be a book that I’ll pick up again and again, as there are so many reminders we need to stay true to ourselves and live the life we desire without procrastination or fear of failure.
I have to say I’m a bit of shocker when it comes to reading books, as I generally have about 4 books on the go at one time.
I so love reading and how the words in some books just pop out and you go “hell yeah”, which is what Mel’s book did for me.
There are so many things we already know on a daily basis we “should be doing” but reading this book gives you a gentle reminder to continue to put certain things back into practice.
I had so so many “take-outs” from this book that I’ve written down and will keep for myself to look over to remind me to stay true, be brave & stop procrastinating.
I’ll do my best to highlight the main ones that I got out of the book, without giving too much away in case you decide to read it for yourself.
So here goes my “take-outs”…
I do the count down with our daughter and didn’t realise it until I read this book and yes the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 count down definitely works!
How to beat fear & procrastination by using the principals and practises Mel describes.
We are the problem no one else – for whatever is going on in our life.
Trust your gut & yourself more – research confirms the “gut theory”.
Letting go. There are always people who are going to jealous, envious or just plain don’t like you. That’s ok. Stay true to yourself, move on and forgive!
Improve your life by moving and stop making excuses – JUST DO IT!….and
How to stop overthinking things.
We all struggle with the same self-defeating problems.
We all doubt ourselves.
Don’t buy into these feelings….
There you go just a few of my “take-outs” from Mel Robbins book The 5 Second Rule!
An awesome read for anyone who wants to improve some part in their life.
Reading books can inspire us to become more of who we want to be.
Be inspired, read more, love more, live more and just be you – you are perfect exactly the way you are.So embrace you and be HAPPY!
If there’s a book you love then please let me know as I’d love to hear what 📚 inspires you 💝