Year In Review – What I’ve learned this past 12 months

Year In Review – What I’ve learned this past 12 months

As I start the year off preparing for what I plan to achieve and share with you this coming year, I came across an article I wrote 2 years ago but never published.

I thought back and wondered why I wrote these inspirational thoughts?

On reflection, it was because at that time my Dad lost 3 of his brothers (my uncles) and his best mate all in the same year and who were all in their 70’s.

I also realised that last year I wrote a ton of stuff whether it be educational or inspirational but sadly never shared it with you my reader.

So today is the day that I promise to share more financial and mindset content that in the hope helps and benefits people in my community.

Here’s what I’ve learned these past 12 months:

1. Random acts of kindness are rare today.  When you do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return, you may have just brightened up their day without knowing it.

2. If someone is unkind to you unless you’ve done something terribly horrible to them – it’s not about you – it’s about them and the challenges they may be facing behind the scenes.

3. Don’t judge anybody or any situation – you never know what someone is going through.  Just because they put on a brave and smiling face, it doesn’t mean they are having a good time at life!

4. True friends are the ones that after months of not seeing them – don’t get upset or offended but greet you as if they just saw you the other day.

5. If people don’t acknowledge you – it’s ok. They may not have seen you like you think they have or if they have – possibly have a lot on their mind.

6. Money may not grow on trees – however if you work not only hard but smart – you will be growing your own tree that will look after you for many years to come.

7. Treasure the loved ones in your life – as you never know how long they will be here for.

8. When you look at exercise in a different way, other than to lose weight – amazing transformations happen – not only physically but your mind becomes super fit and sharp.  Now that’s a bonus worth exercising for!

9. Love where you live – no matter on the size of your house or location.  When you really love where you live – happiness appears from the corners of each room.

And, stop and smell the roses – I mean REALLY stop and smell the roses and get out in nature.  It’s God and the Universe’s way of showing you all the beauty that surrounds you daily! 

So while I wrote this 2 years ago, it still rings true for me today and has become even more important for me to follow the steps to achieve more happiness and fun in my life.

What have you learned over the past 12 months that you’ve decided you don’t want anymore and long to bring more of this year?

Leave me a comment below as I’d love to hear.

So until next time, wishing you more health, wealth and happiness this year.

How To Deal With Overwhelm

How To Deal With Overwhelm

Overwhelm is on the rise and it’s happening more and more to us good folks.

It’s not just because we’re approaching the end of the year but emotions are high with more of us feeling increasingly stressed out for various reasons.

The months leading up to Christmas can be a very stressful time as you may know, with so many things put into high speed to finish off before we break for the holidays.

The feeling of overwhelm is so stressful that at times feels like your head is about to explode.

Overwhelm can come from many areas.  It can come from how you’re feeling about your money, your relationships, your work environment and overall the expectations you put on yourself. Yes, it can come from a whole variety of areas.

A little while ago, I was feeling very overwhelmed and it came from a place of sheer exhaustion from work and what I had expected to happen.  I had put myself under enormous pressure and because I hadn’t hit my goal of being at a certain place in my business I just broke down.

My husband David I don’t think has ever seen me like this.  Normally I’m the one that keeps things ticking along, I’m also the upbeat, happy and positive person in our family, but this wasn’t the case that day.

I just broke down from tiredness, doing too many long hours and trying to figure out how I can get everything done before we break for the Christmas school holidays that was fast approaching.

Having a feeling of overwhelm can bring on anxiety or panic attacks and issues like anxiety can have a detrimental effect on our health.

It’s where everything just feels like it’s on top of you and there is no way out.

One of the ways to identify if you are feeling overwhelmed is to look at what you’ve got going on in your life.

You see we are often pulled in so many directions whether this is in our personal, family, work-life, or even with maintaining our friendships.

Let’s not forget about the pressure to fit in exercise and healthy eating choices so that our bodies are nourished and looked after to ensure we live a long and healthy life.

I know part of my overwhelm is the constant pressure I put on myself to eat healthily and fit in some form of exercise so I can feel better about myself.

One of the major areas for overwhelm is when it comes to our money and it tends to be the number one stress for a lot of people.

For some, it’s the feeling of overwhelm or helplessness on how to improve their financial position that gets extremely overwhelming.

Part of my overwhelm was not only putting myself under work pressure but feeling frustrated that I have pulled much out of our savings account to start a business and get it to the stage today where I am able to become self-sufficient from coaching gorgeous clients.

That for most business owners is a major stress – managing cash flow and ensuring their business is making a profit at the end of the day.

By not dealing or identifying when we are feeling overwhelmed – it can quickly escalate and take its toll on us not only emotionally but physically.

We may sometimes lack confidence in the ability to achieve what we’ve set out to do.

And we become very irritable and unhappy when this occurs.

Like I mentioned before there is the potential for our health to suffer in the process, whether stomach complaints or the onset of anxiety and depression.

The very first thing to do is understand why you’re feeling overwhelmed?

  • Are you trying to be everything to everyone?
  • Could you be trying to focus on too many things at once?  or
  • Possibly you’re being too optimistic about how much time it will take to do a particular task.
  • Maybe you’re just not saying “NO” to people who may be taking up more time from you than you have to give at the moment.

For me, it is trying to do everything and be everything in my business.

So take a look at what’s causing you to feel overwhelmed and see where you can make life a little easier for you.

After you’re clearer what’s causing you to feel overwhelmed start with these 5 simple tips to get things back under control and in balance.

1 First and foremost take a deep breath.

2 write down every task, project or event whether for work or family and get it down on paper.  Then look to see if you can delegate any of the areas that you feel you just can not handle anymore.  If you’re a working parent or stay at home parent and just can’t seem to get on top of things around the house – maybe you could consider hiring a cleaner once a week or fortnight to help.  This is one area that doesn’t cost a fortune and will take enormous pressure off with the many other tasks busy people & parents have on their plate.

3 Next focus on what’s important to you and what priorities you need to get done.    Most importantly look to decide what your priorities are any learn to say NO without any guilt associated to any colleague, family or friend you feel maybe encroaching on the limited time you have to get your stuff done.

4 Ask for help when you feel those overwhelming feelings come up.  Never be too proud to ask someone to help you when you start to feel overwhelmed.  You will be surprised at how many people will offer to help out when you’re feeling under the pump.

AND then…

5 Be kind to yourself and remember you only one person and can only do so much.

To help when those feelings of overwhelm come up, I have a worksheet you can download that will get you thinking where your time is being spent and how certain areas within your life may be overloading your brain and the ability to achieve more in your life.

Download the worksheet at RESOURCES

How is overwhelming crippling you and how are you learning to handle it?

Leave me a comment on your thoughts about overwhelm and let me know if you enjoyed this article.

Until next time, here’s to your health, wealth and happiness.

Loneliness Is On The Rise!

Loneliness Is On The Rise!

Loneliness is not just for the elderly either sitting at home or in nursing care waiting to die.

It’s a very real feeling for a lot of people today for all ages, with or without family.

In fact, a study done by an American health insurance provider Cigna showed that younger people Gen Z have the highest loneliness score, followed by millennials and then Gen X. 

Today we are feeling more isolated and lonely than ever before and we are more disconnected in part because of technology.  

While technology has helped many of us connect with loved ones and friends who we haven’t seen or kept in touch with for some time, we are more alone than ever before.

Studies have found that despite being more connected, more people feel more alone than ever. 

So it seems that because technology makes it easier to stay in touch more and more people find themselves feeling distant and never having any human contact.

We human beings crave intimacy and human contact  We crave that connectivity where we can talk face to face.  

From my own experience, I’m busier than ever however, at times it feels that having loads to do doesn’t always fill up my happy cup.

I was thinking back to when we use to just go out with friends and have a good time without having to worry about posing for that perfect snap to share on social media and to tell the world yeah we’re having a good time!

What’s wrong with just enjoying the moment with the special people that we’re out with and keeping those snaps for our own memories or for sharing later after the event?

Loneliness might not seem like a medical problem but it can impact your overall health and wellbeing.

I remember watching a show where they brought kindergarten kids into a nursing care centre to help brighten up the residents day. 

One older man remarked before the kids came in that he felt he was just waiting to die.  He was so grateful for the kids who showed him some kindness, laughter and fun and it reminded him that there’s still more life in him yet.

This situation is not just limited to the elderly in nursing care.  

Loneliness can come about when people have partners, whether married or not.

The study from Cigna asked about relationships and 43% of respondents said that they sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not “meaningful.” 

The same percentage of participants said they sometimes or always felt isolated from others, even those closest to them.

How many times have we seen people on their phones out for dinner and are not communicating but looking at their device instead.

Couples are not talking as much as they use to and I often laugh when I see couples talking to each via their social media posts.

I’ve heard from friends and seen it for myself that while hanging out to engage and talk with our partners – the other is on their phone appearing to be more interested in other people’s lives than their own.

Maybe that’s why there are more relationship breakdowns? 

I use to think a lot had to do with money but I’m wondering whether it’s a 50/50 between no communication and no money?

So it seems that because technology makes it easier to stay in touch, more and more people find themselves feeling distant and never having that true connection.   Or at least not enough to avoid the feelings of being alone.

Loneliness can be overcome, but it does require a conscious effort on your part to make a change.  Making a change, in the long run, can make you happier, healthier, and enable you to impact others around you in a positive way.

Here are ways to prevent and overcome loneliness:

1.Identify that when those feelings of loneliness and unhappiness come about to look at ways you can change by doing something, whether it be volunteering, going for a walk, meeting a friend, finding groups in your community that offer activities that you’re interested in and go do them.

2. Talk to your partner or friends and suggest some real conversation by putting down the devices.

3. Understand the effects that loneliness has on your life, both physically and mentally.

4. Look at ways to cultivate new friendships by joining a club or join a “meetup group” that offers something you’re interested in and gets you meeting new people.

5. Focus on developing quality relationships with people who share similar attitudes, interests, and values with you.

6. Lonely people often expect rejection, so instead focus on positive thoughts and attitudes in your social relationships.

Loneliness can have an overall effect on your health, so be sure to look at including some of the suggestions I’ve shared above, so it doesn’t affect your health and wellbeing.

If you’re looking for more financial or emotional support then join either my FB Group or Monthly Coaching to get inspire and live a happier, healthier life.

Until next time, here’s to your health, wealth and happiness.

It’s All About The 80/20

It’s All About The 80/20

You may have noticed or “may not” that I’ve been off the air and haven’t posted or shared anything for a while.

There’s a couple of reasons for that and I’ll share with you ONE now and the other I’ll save for another time in a more intimate group via a live training call on how to move forward when you’re feeling emotionally, mentally and financially stuck.. soon.

So make sure you keep an eye out and join me for this special live training.

So one of the reasons I’ve been a little quiet is because I’ve felt there’s been so much noise on social media loads of talk, new stuff coming on our feed – some good and some I feel not so good.

So I decided to stop and just think about what are people looking for?

What am I looking for?

The answers were obvious.  

Firstly. we all want the same things in life to live free from stress and worry, whether it be about money, relationships, work or other stuff. 

A life that when we come to the end of our days we can say YES we had a good time and we lived the best possible life for us, one with loads of fun and a life with meaning.

And secondly, what I discovered was that 80% of life is about the stuff that’s going on between our ears the constant conversation we’re having in our head, where the 20% is about the doing – the know-how.

You see I use to think it was the other way round.

80% – knowledge, know-how and just doing it, while the 

20% – is about mindset and getting that right.

I realised that in order for my clients to be truly successful in all areas of life I have to help them unravel what’s going on upstairs. What thoughts, beliefs and misconceptions they were constantly thinking about themselves and their life.

You see most of my clients were sabotaging their long term happiness because of the beliefs they were carrying around about themselves – self-sabotaging thoughts.

As I started to work more closely with them I discovered their limiting beliefs were holding them back from living the life they truly desired.

So I had to change things up and flip things on their head “so to speak” by focussing on breaking down these limiting beliefs and re-building new thoughts about themselves to create a realistic transformation.

Because what I discovered was that it wasn’t as easy as I thought to just to get their money in order, I had to get their mind thinking different thoughts, because most didn’t feel good about themselves or even like who they are.

So I’ve decided to change things up a bit and spend time equally talking about mindset and financial, with more emphasis on looking to improve some of the crappy beliefs we carry around about ourselves.

For example; when you truly love yourself and are at peace with who you are and how your life is you find that you don’t talk about people, bitch about them or compare yourself to them.

You also find you have less interest in gossiping and spend more on what makes you happy.

If you don’t believe me then I challenge you to stop and listen to the thoughts you have in your head and hear the words you’re speaking. 

Are you talking about someone all the time, sticking your nose in where it’s not wanted or are you an active listener and participating in conversations without judgement and criticism?

When we take our focus off others and focus on our own life – we’re able to help not only ourself live a better life but others around us, because we’re not getting involved in their dramas.

What we’re doing is freeing the often negative, exhaustive thoughts that are constantly swirling around in our head when we’re not involved in gossip, criticism or judgement.

So it’s all about the 80/20.

80% – Mindset, thoughts, beliefs & how we feel. 

20% – Know-how, knowledge & education.

In order to build both financial and emotional muscle, learn to let go and focus on yourself and your happiness first.

For more support and help to do this join my monthly coaching or access, any of my ONLINE PROGRAMS to live the life you’ve always dreamed.

Until next time…….here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

Why We Sometimes Feel Stuck?

Why We Sometimes Feel Stuck?

The words wealthy and rich are words that tend to make some of us cringe and bring up feelings that all wealthy people are “up” themselves and rotten sods, which is not always the case.

When people think about wealth it often triggers poverty thinking and brings up fears, conditioning and unhealthy thoughts.

It makes people so uncomfortable that what happens is their behaviour makes them look for ways to make themselves feel better, about being poor.

Here in Australia, we love pulling those down that do better than us.  We get jealous and our personalities turn very quickly when we’re in the company of wealthy people.

The tall poppy syndrome sadly is still strong in Australia.  For those that don’t know what the tall poppy syndrome is?  Well, it describes aspects of a culture where people of “perceived” high status are resented, attacked, cut down or criticised because they have been classified as superior to their peers.

New research has found its keeping many Australians – especially women – from pursuing their dreams and holding people back from reaching their true potential.

Dr Fiona Wood AM asked kids (when visiting schools after she won Australian of the Year in 2004)….

“How often have you done less than your best so that others around you didn’t feel uncomfortable?”

She cringed and felt upset to hear that they all gave an example of this and some felt proud of it.

She went onto to say in an interview, that there’s absolutely no mileage in the world to be matter what job you do. 

You’ve got to understand yourself, so you can match your work ethic with your full potential.

You need to make your own decisions, stand up and be proud of what you’re doing.

Negative energy is a black hole and if you want to go wasting your precious time here on earth being part of it – then go ahead and jump in the black hole.

The opinion from others of you is theirs – you don’t have to own it.

The key is to keep learning, refining and up-skilling so that each day whatever you want gets easier to achieve.

One day at a time and one foot in front of the other is all you can do somedays.

Working hard and keeping your eye on the prize or the goal and never giving up, is the way to winning and living your life full, happy and with loads of wealthy potential.

People who don’t make decisions are wasting their human potential to do, be and create something great in their life.

I believe we all have that something special in us and it’s time to knock the tall poppy syndrome on its feet, ignore it and don’t let this stop you.

We live in a world where anything we dream is possible.

Prove naysayers wrong and don’t engage in pointless negativity & criticism.

We have to start somewhere when it comes to managing our money better and that starts with building financial muscle.  Once you have the foundations in place, it’s a lot easier and faster to build on your wealth.

My course “How To Keto Your Money” is the building block for building on your financial foundations.  Once you’ve got the foundations set up, I will then show you how to start automatically building on your wealth, so you can retire wealthy and live a life with more freedom.

Find out more by clicking here…How To Keto Your Money and I’ll look forward to helping you achieve your full financial potential.

More Information on coaching and support check out my newly opened up MONTHLY COACHING PROGRAM.

Here’s to your health, wealth & happiness.

Financial Management 101
What Is Financial Freedom?

What Is Financial Freedom?

In a world where tech advances have in many cases, made life easier than our parents and grandparents time. Why is it that for some of us, we are less content and happy with what we have – than previous generations? 

I was scrolling on LinkedIn the other night or should I say morning and thought how so many of us are all vying for a piece of the pie.  The pie that enables us to pay our bills, grow our business and build on long term wealth.

It was the early hours at 2 am that I sat at my desk wondering why. 

I was supposed to be sleeping but wasn’t because my brain was overloaded with thoughts on how I can impact and help so many people who, on the surface appear to be doing well, but are not and are struggling financially.  

Struggling to get ahead, trying to make ends meet and longing for more financial freedom.

Now I’m not talking about the kind of freedom that few achieve from massive wealth like Tony Robbins, Bill Gates or the Richards Branson’s of the world!

I’m talking about the financial freedom you get from not having to worry about mortgage repayments or even having a mortgage at all.  

It’s the freedom of never having to worry about how you’re going to make your money stretch further and the freedom of not having to worry about money on a day to day basis.

That’s the kind of financial freedom I believe most are striving for. 

There are many possible reasons why so many are financially struggling…

Here’s my top 3:

  1. The obvious one is spending more than is earned. 
  2. From extensive personal debt that never seems to get paid off, and
  3. Keeping up with those more fortunate or “keeping up with the Joneses” as the old saying goes.

Spending big on personal debt, whether trying to keep up with others or not and thinking you’ve got it covered at the end of the month (when you don’t) is a disaster resulting in crippling interest repayments.  

I do feel we’ve lost some of the basic money management skills and fundamentals in how to work money to our advantage.

We don’t plan and save money. We think the good times are going to keep rolling on.

The problem with this mentality is that when an unexpected interruption comes along, whether it be a relationship breakdown, loss of income or our health is under pressure, we’re just not prepared and this has an enormous impact on our financial wellbeing.

Without the foundations in place when things go pear-shaped, as they do from time to time. Not having a money safety net to catch you and take the pressure off while you get back on your feet, can become very stressful.

There’s no denying it that people are doing it tough today. 

I speak regularly with individuals, businesses owners, tradies and other professionals who are all looking for the same thing.

They want to get ahead, take the pressure off worrying about money coming in and just have more fun in life.

What I’m hearing and seeing is that under the surface people are really struggling.

They’re either doing it really tough feeling overwhelmed and struggling or frustrated and in pure survival mode.

The one thing I do know is that when you have the money foundations set right – it takes enormous pressure off.

Sadly, money stress continues to be the No 1 factor amongst our peers, our friends and our family.

The way to alleviate this stress is to look at financial education and getting the basics down and then building from there.

The start in my opinion to any healthy financial position is first looking at what I call “cash essentials”.

Cash Essentials is about ensuring you are saving and putting an amount every time you get paid or paid for work you do in separate a savings account.  

Putting a minimum of 10% into a savings account away from your everyday banking is a forced discipline and if you put this on autopilot the amount you’ve set gets deducted and transferred into this saving account.

It may not feel like much at the start but when you factor in how quickly this can compound and grow you’ll be amazed at what you will have a few short years.

I’m still surprised today that so many do not have a regular savings plan set up.

That’s the first and crucial step to building financial muscle. The second is looking at what you’re spending.

It’s all too easier today to overspend and credit cards were designed that way to help you spend money you probably don’t have.

While we are becoming more and more a cashless society, there is a way you can get back control and that’s by switching from a credit card to a debit card.  The debit card acts the same way but you’re only spending what you have and not what you don’t have on credit.

This is an awesome way to ensure you don’t overspend for those tempted to keep pulling out the plastic and losing control over their spending.

These suggestions are just a couple of basics that can be put in place today. However, in the end, it’s up to you and only you if want to live a financially free life.

It’s funny how we always find the money when it’s something we want and this is why we are a nation of spenders and not savers now.

If you’re serious about becoming financially free there’s an awesome resource available at “How to Keto Your Money” a 21-day kick start money program design to get you and your money is shape as quickly as possible.

Head over to How To Keto Your Money to find out more.

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