The Secret To Awesome Financial Health

The Secret To Awesome Financial Health

Is there a secret to financial health and wealth?  

Yes, I believe there is, otherwise everybody would be living without financial stress and having no money problems at all.

But that’s not the case, so there must be a secret?

What is the secret to financial health?

Well, let me explain more what the term financial health means.

Having financial health is about having the money to enjoy things you love.

It means having money work to your advantage and not just to your bank or financial institutions benefit!

AND…… it certainly means not having any financial worries or stress relating to money.

What you were taught or brought up to believe about money, has shaped you today. 

This means the difference between having awesome financial health where you’re able to pay your bills, have money in the bank and live without financial stress.  

Or, living from pay check to pay check stressed out and worried that if something happens like loosing your income, you could be in some financial strife.

Here are seven ways to know if you are in good financial shape and have awesome financial health.

1 Firstly, you don’t spend every dollar you earn, but have money left at the end of pay day

2 Secondly, you have a savings account with money it and ready for “just in case” emergencies like loosing your job.

3 Thirdly you’re able to pay more than your minimum mortgage repayments and you are well on your well to paying this sucker down before the end of your loan term.  

4 Fourthly, you are paying your bills on time and before the due date

5 Fifth, at the end of each month you have a zero balance on any credit cards

6 Sixth, have money regularly put into an investment portfolio, whether it be for shares, managed funds or for property investment for example, and

7 Lastly, annual holidays are saved up and paid in full before heading away.

Making sure you work towards good financial health will mean the difference between living a very comfortable and happy life during your retirement years OR relying on government support living in poverty.

So do you feel you have awesome Financial Health?  No, then time to do something about it don’t you think?

What I offer is a full coaching service that’s super affordable while you get the support, knowledge and help you require to make better financial decisions.

If money stress is causing you problems then check out how you can work with me below.

1 Check out  THE LEARNING HUB 

2 Get supported by heading over to my FB group where you can access more financial and emotional support at Official Karen G

3 Email me direct at

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Until then, here’s to your financial health, wealth and happiness.

Financial Survival Guide During COVID-19

Financial Survival Guide During COVID-19

If you’ve recently lost your job or you feel you’re about to, here are some things you can do right now to make sure you survive during the uncertain weeks or months ahead.

Okay so you need cash and you need to earn it fast.

There are 3 basic things you need to make sure you have secured during this rough uncertain and unpredictable time and that is:

  1. Make sure you have food on the table for you and your family.
  2. You have shelter.  A roof over your head to weather out this nasty health disaster.
  3. Protect your mental health and wellbeing.

Here are 5 ways to make sure you’re going to survive;

1If you have a mortgage broker now is the time to make contact with them if they haven’t already got in touch with you to discuss your home loan options.

If you feel you don’t have someone who you can trust in this area then I’ll drop you the name of a broker who is loyal, trustworthy and has the homeowner’s best interests at the forefront.  

A point to note is that I don’t have any affiliation with this company, nor do I receive any kickbacks.  I’ve just known them for a very long time and they’ve shared many tips with me to help my clients pay down their home loan debt as fast as possible, all without any strings attached.

2 If you’re not comfortable talking with a mortgage broker then get on the phone with your bank or lending institution and negotiate a deal that sees you freezing your monthly mortgage payments for the next couple of months.

What the bank will do in most cases is hold of taking payments for a short period of time, or they may even negotiate with you just paying interest-only payments.  

Once this storm has passed, they will get you making small additional payments on top of your regular mortgage payments, once things go back to the “new normal” and you’re earning an income again.

3 Get in touch with your credit card provider and see what they can do for you to hold off making any monthly credit card payments.  There may be something they can do to stop the cash bleed going towards paying your debts while your cash is in short supply.

4 If you’re renting then get on the phone and talk to your landlord to see what they will do to help take the strain of worrying about how you can afford to keep the roof over your head.

Most cases they are going to be in the same situation, worried that if you move out how will they afford to keep up their ongoing mortgage commitments on the property you’re living in.  It’ll be up to them to negotiate with the bank to see what they can do on the other side to hold off future mortgage payments until things become a little more financial.

5 Now you’ve made contact with your bank or lending institution, next you have to see where you can find some cash or get some part-time work to make sure you survive during this traumatic time.

With the coronavirus pandemic impacting almost every business, some entrepreneurs are thriving and looking at ways to support their employees during this difficult time.

There are some industries that are still hiring and in fact looking to increase their staffing requirements because they’re in areas where they are in high demand during this time.

  • Supermarkets are one example as soon as they stack the shelves they are empty again.  Some of the areas they are hiring and looking for are packers, bakers, customer service staff – check your supermarket’s website to see what they need.
  • Fast food deliveries have seen an increase in demand due to self isolation requirements and companies like Uber eats have seen an increase where they are looking for more drivers.
  • There’s a job board I discovered this week called Jora which is an Australian based search engine for jobs.  Unlike traditional job boards, individuals can search through thousands of career opportunities, all sourced from many job sites from around Australia. 

They list updates every 24 hours with new job opportunities.  The site even breaks it down into job type, salary, location and job titles.  Go check out it.

Here’s the link to Jora Australia just click on it and see if there’s something for you.

Other ways to get extra cash is;

  • You could look around the house to see what’s cluttering your home that you could sell online.
  • Or if you’re crafty and creative, how about sell your stuff online at sites like Etsy.
  • What about if you’re a cafe owner who a person who can bake. Why not teach someone how to decorate cupcakes, or another favourite baking item of yours and get paid for it by setting up a class online. People are basically in isolation looking for new creative ways to fill in their time.
  • You could also look to partaking in online surveys or focus groups and get paid to give your opinion.
  • Another is to sell your expertise online, whether you’re a tutor, teacher or have an expertise that you could share or teach online and get paid for it.
  • Why not look at some freelance work at sites like Fiverr, Upwork, Craigslist to name a few.  Check out these sites as there may be something you’re good at and get paid for.
  • Affiliate marketing is another way, if you have a blog or website, you could get paid for advertising someone’s business on your site. 

6 Okay next look to see where you can cut all unnecessary costs. 

Go through your bank statement and see what you’re spending your money on.

What subscriptions do you have that you can go without for a while that will save you any money big or small?

I recently did this exercise as I often have things I’ve subscribed to that I don’t use any more.  So because I hate giving good money away, I cut about 4 subscriptions and put $80 back in my pocket per month.  

One of these was to suspend my audible account for the next 90 days as I have enough books in my library to keep me going for a year.

It may not sound like much but saving $50 or $100 will make the difference when you need to put food on the table or keep the roof over your head.

If you’ve got an iPhone go through the settings tab on your phone and check out your apple account to see what subscriptions have slipped through the cracks. 

Gym membership is a big one at the moment because you can’t go out so why not suspend or cancel it if you can.

What streaming providers do you need? Do you need everyone that’s on offer at the moment like Foxtel, Netflix, Stan, Disney or even Amazon Prime to name the ones off the top of my head?

Maybe decide on one or two and cancel the rest.  Wherever you can save a few dollars do it.

You’ve got to be ruthless and tough.  Just as I am sitting here writing this our daughter came in wanting to buy an online game for her iPad.

It may have been only $5 and she said I’ll use my own money.  That’s fine but as I said to her do you really need it right now and why not see if you can save that money for a bit longer to can go without for the next month before you decide to shell out your pocket money.

If we can teach our kids now the importance of saving, when a time like this comes up in THEIR working life, they’ll have the skills to knuckle down and not spend on non-essentials.  

Now is the time to teach your kids about the value of money and how looking after the cents will amount to huge amounts of dollars later in life.

Look at what you’re spending your money on and see where you can cut down on things.

Sadly, most don’t have 6 – 8 months worth of emergency money so look at ways to get some dollars in the door fast.

You’ll need to make sure you have about 90 days worth of money to see you through.

Your job right now is to get a job if you’re not working and bring in some money to take the pressure off.

This will help keep your spirits high and look after your mental well being and health.

There is nothing more stressful than financial worry and pressure, so do what you can and see if any one of the suggestions I’ve offered above helps you out.

If you need emotional support or looking for more information on how to take the financial pressure off, then join my FB Group where I will be here for anyone needing an ear, as well as, sharing more tips and information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime stay safe and healthy.

Reference: Mortgage Broker – Harry Bozin CLICK HERE for more info.

Let’s Chat About Your Credit Card

Let’s Chat About Your Credit Card

With Christmas and the holidays just around the corner, it’s important to understand how to use your credit card wisely.

For some, the best way to use it is to not use it all.

Especially for a lot of you who get yourselves in financial trouble because you spend more than you earn.

Understanding how your card works is key to managing it effectively.

Some have up to a 55 day interest-free period. Which means from day 1 of your credit card cycle you could have 55 days of so-called free money & spending without costing you a cent.

This is where some of you may get into trouble because when your statement arrives you’ve realised you’ve overspent and have no way of paying the amount racked up back to the zero balance.

So here’s where the bank loves you because now they’re going to slog you anywhere from 19 – 22% interest.

Here are 6 tips that will make you more mindful for when using your credit card:

1. Keep track of your spending.  If you’re not good at this then go get yourself a visa debit card which uses your money not the banks and stops you getting into financial trouble.

2. Pay your card on time.  This may seem obvious but for a lot of people they forget to pay the balance or minimum payment by the due date and this ends up costing them more.  This is where the bank slogs you around $15 for not paying on time.

3. Pay off your outstanding balance as quickly as possible.  Banks love when you don’t pay the balance owing in full off because they can then start charging you interest on the amount racked up anywhere from 19 – 22%. 

By getting into the habit of sweeping off what you’ve spent on your credit card every month – will save you thousands of dollars.  You see every year you don’t pay off your balance sees you going further into debt. 

For example; here’s a really frightening statistic that I got one client to read on the back of their credit card statement to shock them into how NOT paying the balance off in full is costing them.  In this example, the balance owed was $5000 and the client was paying just the minimum monthly repayment around $95.  This client if they didn’t get their butt into gear and pay the card off in full they would be paying it off in 72 years and owing over $25k in interest charges!

4. Check your statement monthly to make ensure there are no transactions that you didn’t authorise.  Today there is too much internet fraud with online purchasing that starts with a $5 or $10 amount then next you know someone has swiped you for a couple of thousand dollars.  This is how they do it small and slowly and go unsuspecting.  So check your card statement regularly to ensure there are no unsuspecting amounts on there.

5. If you’re buying on the internet be aware of a fee called the “foreign transaction fee” which is a fee that occurs when you buy something from the internet and it’s in a different currency like US because your bank will convert this cost back into your currency for example; Aussie dollars and you’ll be slogged a foreign transaction fee. 

This doesn’t seem like a lot but today the trend is to buy online and these amounts add up if they’re not in your country’s currency.  So an option to get around this is to look at a credit card that has “no foreign transaction fees” attached to the card.  For me, a lot of the monthly operating expenses in my business are from the US and because of this, I have a credit card that doesn’t charge the additional foreign transaction fee which saves me hundreds of dollars per month.  Look at your bank or financial institution to see whether they offer this type of credit card, and lastly

6. Don’t buy items you really can’t afford with no way in hell of paying them back by the end of the month.  This is not good money management and is seeing your hard-earned dollars going to others and not you.  You work hard for every dollar you get so make it count and if you really want that particular item save up for it – because it makes it all the worthwhile knowing you actually own it not the bank!

That’s it for my 6 tips on how to better manage your credit card. If you’re looking for more training and education in how to work money to your advantage then check out a money program that’s super affordable and will get you back in the black.

How To Keto Your Money is a 21-day kick start program designed to get your money back in shape. Find out more HERE

Any questions leave me a comment and if you enjoyed this please also let me know.

Until next time here’s to your financial health, wealth and happiness.

How To Stay Poor & Miserable

How To Stay Poor & Miserable

Let’s talk about how your thoughts, views and what you possibly heard when growing up is seeing you still miserable and poor!

Your attitude combined with who taught you about money – has shaped the way you live today whether you are experiencing financial stress or have money behind you and living a stress-free life.

I want you to answer this question?

Who was your role model, who did you learn your money management skills from while growing up?  

Did your parents or grandparents ever talk to you about money?

Having conversations around the dinner table while growing up about money is equally as important as the “Birds n Bees” talk that most of us are given at a certain age – if you know what I mean.  

They say talking about money is taboo but I disagree.  If you don’t start talking about money how are you ever going to learn about managing it more effectively?

Whether you grew up talking about how to save and use money wisely or not has shaped your perception today on how you live your life and what kind of a lifestyle you have created for yourself.  

You will either have money in the bank or spend every dollar you earn. 

You see 80% of us are managing our money out of sheer habit with no real understanding why and this has adverse effects down the track if you haven’t got a grasp on how to work it well. As it can either make or break the quality of our life in years to come.

I was having this very conversation with my Mum a while back and she was commenting that money was never talked about.  There was never the education around this subject like she said is starting to happen today.

“Mum went on to say that it’s not until you retire that you start to feel the pressure or relief of how you worked your money.  She stressed that saving is not a thing for today’s generation and she wished they knew the real power of this as she said it’s going to make a huge difference to the quality of someone’s life at the end of their working life”.

We are sadly creatures of habit.  We do the same things over and over again often expecting to get different results but of course, we’re going to get the same results if we don’t change our thinking or our habits.

If you have decided you want a better life, then you have to look at what your belief is around money.

What did you hear growing up about money?

I’m guessing a few of these saying probably popped up and has created in some part a belief system to which you manage your money today.

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • It takes money to make money.
  • Some people, without a doubt, have more dollars than sense
  • He who has the gold makes the rules
  • A good name is better than riches.
  • Health is better than wealth.
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • You can’t take it with you when you die – now that’s spoken like a true spender lol!  and the last common saying you may have heard is …AND
  • Money isn’t everything

Another contributing factor to what you may have heard about money is through sources like:

TV and regular news bulletins – which the media is great at giving you the grim view about financial markets and money today.  They thrive off the negative stories. 

How many times do you hear positive news stories about everyday people making it big (yes we hear about the lotto win stories) but over time we know that if those winning the lotto haven’t got a handle on how to manage money then in a few short years they will be back to where they started before winning.  

Another popular source for hearing about money is when catching up with friends, especially from those friends that consider themselves a wiz at investing. 

Offering you their 2 cents worth of knowledge on how they made a fair bit of money on xyz stock or a particular investment, but never how much they lost during the process.  I challenge you to ask them how much they have lost up to that point! 

There are so many areas to hear and learn about financial education.

A word of caution though to check where you’re getting your information from to see if it’s from a reliable source.

AND always trust your gut instinct because if it looks too good to be true then it probably is.

The subconscious is such a powerful thing that what you think about all day long is what you attract and this applies especially to your lack or abundant thinking about money. 

When we keep saying to ourself ….oh we have no money… we’re poor…. we’re never going to get ahead then that’s what you’re going to keep getting.

But when you say to yourself, ok I’ve got this I’m going to keep putting money away and not touch it.  I’m going to use cash for a while to curb my spending.  I’m going to get there and we’re going to be debt free in no time then you will.

Keeping a positive mindset is one thing but actually doing the thing that’s going to free you up financially is another and both go hand in hand.

So what could you do today to change the way you think about money?

Motivational sayings are especially good when you feel a negative or disbelieving thought come up.

Having a massive belief in yourself that you’re going to make it is another way to change things.

Watch how things start to improve when you combine a positive mindset with activity and action.

Three facts about money I’m going to leave with you are:

  1. Having good money habits takes enormous pressure and stress off you worrying about how you can afford to live day to day.
  2. Having an awesome mindset can move you from poor money habits to good money habits, and 
  3. Lastly, anyone can change their belief around money if you decide to choose to, regardless of how you grew up and where you came from.

If you’re looking for more help and guidance in managing your money and getting your money back into great financial shape – then check out my ONLINE PROGRAMS that I’ve created to teach people this very thing – how to move them into awesome financial health.

Also available is my monthly coaching program that helps you to stay on track while you achieve your financial goals.

Look forward to seeing you in one of my programs.

Until next time…….here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

Putting Your Life Together

Putting Your Life Together

If you had the magical power to change your life into what you really desired it to be like, would you exercise that power?

Of course, you would!  

First, you would have to strip away the fantasy and then you would have to get down to the nuts and bolts of what you would really want for yourself.  

Most people, for a number of reasons, never get past the fantasy stage. 

Some are not aware they really could make the change, while others are too lazy or throw up excuses and complaints.  After all, change does requires effort.

So get really serious for a moment and ask yourself ………….. are you prepared to do the work to achieve the life you truly desire?     

Are you? 

Let’s do a little exercise for the moment.

I want you to imagine you are now 90 years of age. 

Yep, a little wrinkly possibly still living at home or moved in with loved ones or maybe you’re living in an aged care facility.

Take a moment to imagine your older self.

Now what you’re going to do is write down all the things you have done, experienced and achieved up to this point.  Remember you’re writing it down as a 90 year old!

You’re going to write down all the personal fun you’ve experienced, romantic partners, the adventures and holiday you’ve taken, the homes you’ve lived in, the cars you’ve driven and the lifestyle you created for you and your family.

Once you’ve written what you’ve experienced and achieved, next write down how this makes you feel.

So, how are you feeling, are you smiling and feeling happy with joy or maybe you’re laughing to yourself that you’re a little exhausted about a life well lived?

Did you live the life you had always hoped and dreamed of?

What did you achieve in those last 50 or so years of your life? 

  • Did you live the life you truly wanted and desired?
  • Were there many memories and fun times?  
  • Did you get to travel to some exotic places? 
  • Have you lived a very comfortable life and without money concerns?  
  • Is it fun to be able to spoil your family with the money you have accumulated during your working years?  and
  • Is your heart warm with joy from being able to have given to the many charities of your choice?

If you’re looking back and happy with what you’ve achieved – well done this means you’ve worked hard, made the right choices in how you managed your money so you didn’t have to worry about money during your retirement years.

Now is the time to make the change.  Time to get your money sorted and working hard, while you continue accumulating during your working years.

The 3 keys ways to do this is to;

  1. SAVING.  Keep putting a certain amount away (minimum of 10%) at payday into a set and forget account.
  2. BALANCE.  Ensure your spending is well under your earning capacity, and not spending more than you earn.
  3. GROWING.  Learning how to grow and invest your money while you work by making additional contributions into your superannuation fund.

Here in Australia, we’re fortunate as it’s compulsory for Australian employers to put a percentage of an employee’s salary into a nominated super fund.

For my overseas readers take advantage of the superannuation opportunities offered in your country while you can, as this will boost your retirement options considerably.

There are other opportunities to grow your wealth either by investing in direct shares, managed funds or looking at property investing.

Whatever investment option you choose make sure it’s one that you’re comfortable with and you sleep easily at night not worrying about what happens when the investment market moves up and down.

Looking for more support, education or help in getting your money in better shape then check out the online programs I offer which teach anyone how to build financial muscle before it’s too late.

Also, check out my monthly coaching program which is super affordable and enables you to get your questions answered while learning more about managing money to your advantage.

Check out the monthly coaching program HERE.

In the meantime, here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

How To Handle Emotional Stress

How To Handle Emotional Stress

When life suddenly throws you a curveball whether the signs were there or not and you haven’t prepared yourself for what’s about to come, it can send you into a spin and see you experience massive stress and anxiety.

Financial & Relationship stress go hand in hand and it’s still the number one trigger point for most.

When a relationship breaks down and you’re left to sort out where to go and what to do – money stress is ever-present. 

Not only are you dealing with the emotional stress of the relationship breakdown, but you’re now having to deal with where to live, how to survive and then there’s the issue about money which is about to get very messy.

Then if children are involved a whole other issue about custody arrangements and financial support start coming into play.

It’s like you’re in the middle of a soap opera and left emotionally drained.

When an event like this is triggered a person will feel a whole bunch of overwhelming feelings like sadness, anxiety, or even experience panic attacks. 

What happens next is that our body goes into one of the “fight, flight or freeze modes” and our heart beats faster and our senses go on high alert.  Also our brain stops some of its normal functions to deal with the threat we may be feeling or experiencing. 

If this has happened to you or you can see life is about to dramatically change then get some help.

Firstly, find someone who is unbiased and independent and someone who doesn’t know you or the situation that you’re about to experience.

When people are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out they sometimes don’t make decisions that are in their best interests or health.

If you know of someone or you yourself, are feeling any form of stress then get some help. You don’t have to do this alone.  There are people and organisations that can help.

Be on the lookout for the SYMPTOMS that stress can produce:


Tiredness, headaches, accidents, tightness in neck and shoulders, restlessness, ulcers, hypertension, respiratory problems, diarrhoea or constipation, chest pain, back pain, upset stomach, skin problems, weight loss or gain. 


Irritability, mood swings, nervousness, low self-esteem, worry, anxiety, tearfulness, guilt, fear, anger, grief, sleep problems, disappointment, depression, helplessness, hopelessness, shame, confusion, forgetfulness, dull senses, negative attitude, poor concentration. 


Seeking isolation, fewer contacts with friends, overworking, lashing out, blaming, nagging, resentment, aggression, arguing, alcohol/drug/tobacco use. 

If stress is experienced for long periods of time it can result in physical, mental and emotional exhaustion or ‘burnout’. 


We need to look out for one another, stay connected and ask if we’re ok. 

If your gut is telling you that you’re not ok or that someone close to you is not, then make sure you’re there for them.  More often than not they’ll say they’re ok and will remain silent while living with their pain.


Here in Australia, we have an organisation called Lifeline which is a national charity that has been providing assistance to Australians experiencing difficulties for over 55 years. 

If you’re reading this and not in Australia then seek out your country’s support network to ensure you get help and are not dealing with this alone.

In Australia, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 anytime as they’re available 24 hours a day.


I have created a tool kit to help you identify when you’re feeling overwhelmed about what to do.

You can download your tool kit HERE

Other resources I have available is my monthly coaching program which is a fraction of the cost than other coaching programs at $37 per month and with no lock-in contracts. You can exit whenever you choose.

Also, courses teaching you money management skills and how you can build financial muscle. You can check out what’s available HERE.

In the meantime, here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

Financial Management 101

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