How To Handle Emotional Stress

How To Handle Emotional Stress

When life suddenly throws you a curveball whether the signs were there or not and you haven’t prepared yourself for what’s about to come, it can send you into a spin and see you experience massive stress and anxiety.

Financial & Relationship stress go hand in hand and it’s still the number one trigger point for most.

When a relationship breaks down and you’re left to sort out where to go and what to do – money stress is ever-present. 

Not only are you dealing with the emotional stress of the relationship breakdown, but you’re now having to deal with where to live, how to survive and then there’s the issue about money which is about to get very messy.

Then if children are involved a whole other issue about custody arrangements and financial support start coming into play.

It’s like you’re in the middle of a soap opera and left emotionally drained.

When an event like this is triggered a person will feel a whole bunch of overwhelming feelings like sadness, anxiety, or even experience panic attacks. 

What happens next is that our body goes into one of the “fight, flight or freeze modes” and our heart beats faster and our senses go on high alert.  Also our brain stops some of its normal functions to deal with the threat we may be feeling or experiencing. 

If this has happened to you or you can see life is about to dramatically change then get some help.

Firstly, find someone who is unbiased and independent and someone who doesn’t know you or the situation that you’re about to experience.

When people are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out they sometimes don’t make decisions that are in their best interests or health.

If you know of someone or you yourself, are feeling any form of stress then get some help. You don’t have to do this alone.  There are people and organisations that can help.

Be on the lookout for the SYMPTOMS that stress can produce:


Tiredness, headaches, accidents, tightness in neck and shoulders, restlessness, ulcers, hypertension, respiratory problems, diarrhoea or constipation, chest pain, back pain, upset stomach, skin problems, weight loss or gain. 


Irritability, mood swings, nervousness, low self-esteem, worry, anxiety, tearfulness, guilt, fear, anger, grief, sleep problems, disappointment, depression, helplessness, hopelessness, shame, confusion, forgetfulness, dull senses, negative attitude, poor concentration. 


Seeking isolation, fewer contacts with friends, overworking, lashing out, blaming, nagging, resentment, aggression, arguing, alcohol/drug/tobacco use. 

If stress is experienced for long periods of time it can result in physical, mental and emotional exhaustion or ‘burnout’. 


We need to look out for one another, stay connected and ask if we’re ok. 

If your gut is telling you that you’re not ok or that someone close to you is not, then make sure you’re there for them.  More often than not they’ll say they’re ok and will remain silent while living with their pain.


Here in Australia, we have an organisation called Lifeline which is a national charity that has been providing assistance to Australians experiencing difficulties for over 55 years. 

If you’re reading this and not in Australia then seek out your country’s support network to ensure you get help and are not dealing with this alone.

In Australia, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 anytime as they’re available 24 hours a day.


I have created a tool kit to help you identify when you’re feeling overwhelmed about what to do.

You can download your tool kit HERE

Other resources I have available is my monthly coaching program which is a fraction of the cost than other coaching programs at $37 per month and with no lock-in contracts. You can exit whenever you choose.

Also, courses teaching you money management skills and how you can build financial muscle. You can check out what’s available HERE.

In the meantime, here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

Financial Management 101
Why We Sometimes Feel Stuck?

Why We Sometimes Feel Stuck?

The words wealthy and rich are words that tend to make some of us cringe and bring up feelings that all wealthy people are “up” themselves and rotten sods, which is not always the case.

When people think about wealth it often triggers poverty thinking and brings up fears, conditioning and unhealthy thoughts.

It makes people so uncomfortable that what happens is their behaviour makes them look for ways to make themselves feel better, about being poor.

Here in Australia, we love pulling those down that do better than us.  We get jealous and our personalities turn very quickly when we’re in the company of wealthy people.

The tall poppy syndrome sadly is still strong in Australia.  For those that don’t know what the tall poppy syndrome is?  Well, it describes aspects of a culture where people of “perceived” high status are resented, attacked, cut down or criticised because they have been classified as superior to their peers.

New research has found its keeping many Australians – especially women – from pursuing their dreams and holding people back from reaching their true potential.

Dr Fiona Wood AM asked kids (when visiting schools after she won Australian of the Year in 2004)….

“How often have you done less than your best so that others around you didn’t feel uncomfortable?”

She cringed and felt upset to hear that they all gave an example of this and some felt proud of it.

She went onto to say in an interview, that there’s absolutely no mileage in the world to be matter what job you do. 

You’ve got to understand yourself, so you can match your work ethic with your full potential.

You need to make your own decisions, stand up and be proud of what you’re doing.

Negative energy is a black hole and if you want to go wasting your precious time here on earth being part of it – then go ahead and jump in the black hole.

The opinion from others of you is theirs – you don’t have to own it.

The key is to keep learning, refining and up-skilling so that each day whatever you want gets easier to achieve.

One day at a time and one foot in front of the other is all you can do somedays.

Working hard and keeping your eye on the prize or the goal and never giving up, is the way to winning and living your life full, happy and with loads of wealthy potential.

People who don’t make decisions are wasting their human potential to do, be and create something great in their life.

I believe we all have that something special in us and it’s time to knock the tall poppy syndrome on its feet, ignore it and don’t let this stop you.

We live in a world where anything we dream is possible.

Prove naysayers wrong and don’t engage in pointless negativity & criticism.

We have to start somewhere when it comes to managing our money better and that starts with building financial muscle.  Once you have the foundations in place, it’s a lot easier and faster to build on your wealth.

My course “How To Keto Your Money” is the building block for building on your financial foundations.  Once you’ve got the foundations set up, I will then show you how to start automatically building on your wealth, so you can retire wealthy and live a life with more freedom.

Find out more by clicking here…How To Keto Your Money and I’ll look forward to helping you achieve your full financial potential.

More Information on coaching and support check out my newly opened up MONTHLY COACHING PROGRAM.

Here’s to your health, wealth & happiness.

Financial Management 101

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