Be A Student Of Learning

Be A Student Of Learning

Being a student of learning means that you’re constantly growing as a person.

I believe that it shouldn’t matter what stage of life you’re in, whether in work or personal – you should never stop learning, as this enables you to stay open to new opportunities and experiences that life has to offer.

If you want any part of your life whether it be in your relationships, financial, physical or emotional to be changed or improved then you must be a student of learning.

Whatever area within your life is causing you pain or unhappiness, then go and research how you can go about changing it.

Read books, listen to podcasts, study those you admire and look at the straits that you want to be more like.

When it comes to financial matters and ways to improve the health of your money, look for coaches and people who understand money and how they can teach you to become better money managers.

Recently I undertook an exam, the Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking Management. The reason I did this was that I’m already talking to people about ways they can reduce their mortgage (a major debt in their life) so I decided to educate myself further on how I can truly make a difference and advise people with more knowledge about how to become mortgage-free sooner.

So whatever you’re looking to improve: research, study and look into ways on how to make those changes.

The way to a better future is to work on you.

Look at the areas that aren’t working and ask yourself where can I learn more about this so I can change the outcome.

And finally, GET YOURSELF A COACH.  Look at our athletes and our favourite sporting teams and how they employ coaches to help them be on top of their game. 

A financial coach, as in myself, is someone who’s trained to guide, motivate and teach you how to make sure you’re managing your money wisely.

Regular coaching will ensure you are working towards your goals of becoming debt-free, financially happy and making healthy choices with your money.

Financial education is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Check out my monthly coaching program to ensure you get on top of your money game and for a limited time, you can join my program for a little as $1.  Go on do yourself and your money a favour and join my monthly coaching program today.

See you on the inside.

In the meantime, here’s to your financial health wealth and happiness.

How Stress Is Affecting Your Body

How Stress Is Affecting Your Body

Let’s talk about how stress maybe shortening your life.

And, how you can become better equipped to deal with stress related symptoms whenever you start to feel them come up.

Are you aware what stress is doing to your body? 

You may think you do.  But I’m here to share with you that some of the symptoms are not as obvious as you may think.

Here in Australia, The Australian Psychology Society produce a stress and wellbeing report.

The area that always catches my attention is how anxiety and depression levels have risen over the years.  

The report also shows that financial issues continue to be the top stress over the last few years followed closely by the second top stress being family issues.

I’ve said this before that whenever there are financial issues and stress in a person’s life, their loved ones suffer immensely.  

So what effect is this then having on our emotional side and physical body?

Well, stress affects a whole range of areas within our body when we feel pressured or overwhelmed.

If you take a look at this illustration you’ll see that it’s affecting many areas within your body, some are obvious while others may surprise you. 

I want you to look at the left hand side of this diagram to see how first hand it’s affecting your emotions.  

When your emotions are overloaded by stress, you become irritable, you may alienate yourself from others and your confidence drops.

When you’re under stress, your behaviour changes and you may become accident-prone, lose appetite, take up recreational drugs or alcohol, and/or start smoking.

And no surprise here that stress greatly affects your mind and mental well-being, where you may experience more anxiety, become negative or make impaired decisions and judgments where you otherwise wouldn’t have done.

The area that I see common with stressed out people is when they experience  headaches, skin problems and become breathless.

But did you know that stress can have a detrimental affect on other areas within your body like, complaints either in the form of diarrhoea or heartburn.

In more severe cases, stress can also affect your heart. You may experience heart palpitations or even worse, a heart attack.

In some cases stress has know to be the start of more serious issues like cancer and diabetes.

So you can see it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself and look at what’s stressing you out.

For a lot of people money is the biggest stress as I’ve outlined early in findings by the Australian Psychology Well Being Survey.

While I don’t have a cure for how stress affects the body – I do have a solution that anyone can adopt where financial issues are part of their stress and that’s getting more information and knowledge about how money works. 

Obtaining financial education to improve your money position is critical to living a healthy stress free life.

Getting the right financial education, support and coaching will alleviate financial stress if you are serious about improving the quality of your life.

What I offer is a full coaching service that’s affordable while you get the support, knowledge and help you require to make better and healthy financial decisions.

So if money stress is causing you problems then check out how you can work with me in the resources below.

1 Check out more resources and learning at THE LEARNING HUB 

2 Get supported by heading over to my FB group where you can access more financial and emotional support at Official Karen G

3 Email me direct at

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Until then, here’s to your financial health, wealth and happiness.

How To Stop Comparing To Live A Happier Life

How To Stop Comparing To Live A Happier Life

Many people are doing way too much comparing and complaining about their lot in life and not stopping to see the gifts and blessings they really have.

As I share with people often, there is someone doing it tougher than you that would kill to have the life you’re living and not the one they’re currently experiencing themselves.

Why do you feel the need to compare whether someone appears to be doing better than you or has a better life than you?

Unless you’re walking in their shoes you don’t have a clue what’s going on behind closed doors.

I know too often that on the surface things appear for some to be looking really good, but underneath the murky waters, they’re experiencing pain and what we see is really not what’s being reflected.

Often it’s not money issues that are causing them the problem, it’s the way they feel about themselves that’s causing challenges in either their work, relationships or even with their health.

What really makes you happy?

Have you ever just stopped and thought about this?

Most wouldn’t have a clue about what makes them happy, because they’re too busy sticking their noses in other peoples business.

Give yourself the luxury of finding out what makes you happy. 

What puts a smile on your face and what would make you want to jump out of bed in the morning instead of hitting the snooze button?

Time is going by so fast.  I can’t stress that enough.  

Just think back to the last 12 months how quickly that has that flown by.  Think back to even last month how fast that’s gone.

Ok so I want you to stop and take a moment to imagine you are turning 80 years of age tomorrow.   

Come on really imagine how you would look – grey hair, no grey hair or no hair at all.  A little bit more wrinkly now and possibly some of your body parts are heading more south than you would like.  Yeah, guys, this doesn’t just apply to us girls.  Some of you guys have what was once called pectorals or pecks that are now considered “man boobs” and they’re heading south too.

Ok so getting back to imagining you are 80 years of age and you now have between 8 – 10 years left on this earth.  8 – 10 years to spend doing whatever you choose and with whom ever you choose. 

How would you decide to spend the next 8 or so years of the remaining time of your life?

Let’s just say you’re still in reasonably good health.

Would you still be comparing or complaining, or would you just go and enjoy every moment and live the remaining years of your life, making sure they are the best years you’ve ever had? 

Would you be worried about making a fool of yourself, or fearful of what others would think of you?  I somehow think you wouldn’t and would care less about what people think or do.

So what are you waiting for? 

Live your life like that now.  Enjoy your time while you are here on earth and do what makes you truly happy inside.

If you knew that life was going to be shorter than expected….I bet you would be looking at life in a whole different way.

You would stop concerning yourself about whether this person texted you back, whether this person is gossiping about you, whether this person likes you and so on.

When you stop and appreciate all that you have in your life right here right now – you become happier and grateful that you’ve got it better than you thought.

I often remind my daughter that we live in one of the best counties in the world.  We have an abundance of food, sunshine and freedom.

We are able to go outside without the fear of a bomb hitting us.  We can go outside and see how green the grass is, how tall the trees are growing, how free birds fly and chirp around us.  How we can go to the supermarket and get every conceivable food or beverage we choose.

We have a choice.

You have a choice to live your life the way you want.

For most of us we were born with free will but the sad part is that a lot of us are choosing to be victims – trapped in our own head by our own thoughts. 

Every choice you make will either enhance your spirit and self worth or drain it.

When you’re not happy living the life you so desire you’re actually betraying yourself.  And it’s no wonder you bitch and complain and pick holes in other people.  It’s why you’re so quick and easy to bring other people down.

Because you’re not happy and you’re letting yourself down – nobody else.  

We all have free will.

We all have choices that we can make about the kind of life we want to live.

One with misery or one with absolute joy.

Are you making everyday choices that are harming you?

I believe we create the path we choose to live.  Some of us have decided to start living with more joy and love in our heart.

The worst betrayal by not living this way is to yourself!

What I’ve observed is that it’s not until someone reaches that certain age in life that they start to question their existence.  They question the choices they’ve made.  They question the things they did or didn’t do.

The power of choice!

The most powerful choice you make in life is not the house you buy, how many children you have, the partner you choose or don’t choose or what type of work you do.

The most powerful choice of all is the life you choose to live.  How you treat your mind, how you treat your health and how you treat other people.  These to me are the most powerful choices you can make in your every day life.

Why, because it determines the kind of life you live and how truly happy you are and this determines the quality of your life and your health.

If you choose to live a life of misery, always comparing or gossiping about other people – you are living a very short and limited life.

So do yourself a favour and stop comparing or complaining about your lot in life and look around to discover how good you have it compared to other people.

Learn to be gracious and grateful for the wonderful gifts you have in your life whether it’s your health, your relationships, your family, your work or the very place you’re fortunate to live in.

When you’re grateful, you become a happier and healthier person.

If you’re looking to discover how you can become happier and compare less then I have a worksheet that can assist you in living a happier life.  Download your worksheet HERE

If you’re looking for more support and assistance then there are a couple ways for you to stay in touch.

1 Leave me a comment here;

2 Head over to my FB group where you can access more financial and emotional support at Official Karen G 

3 Check out more resources and learning at THE LEARNING HUB 

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

In the meantime, here’s to your financial health, wealth and happiness.

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

Is There A Perfect Way To Start Our Day?

For a while now I’ve been fascinated with the mirage of advice and sharing on what the best morning routine is, whether you’re out working a job or working from home.

Today while I was getting ready for the start of my day, I was reflecting on how does a morning routine really affect whether we have a productive, happy day or not?

I wanted to do some research into this trend on talking about our morning routine and see if there is any truth to the benefits of having one.

You see the majority of us have a morning routine whether we like it or not. 

We all get up to start our day, shower (well some do), brush our teeth, hair and get dressed before heading to the kitchen to either eat breakfast or start our day off with our favourite beverage either coffee, tea, smoothy or whatever takes our fancy.   Most of this is done all before heading out the door or to our desk to start our working day.

But I want to find out more about the “morning routine” that I hear the high achievers do at the beginning of their day. 

First, let me share with you the common one that I’ve read time and time again and it goes something like this….

  1. Plan out your morning the night before.
  2. Set your alarm to wake up earlier.
  3. Drink a glass of water upon waking
  4. Move and exercise your body first thing when you get up.
  5. Stay off tech and your devices for the first hour upon waking.
  6. Before heading to work or your desk – spend time journalling and writing down your intentions for the day / week.

This is the usual take on what a morning routine looks like according to experts.

Continuing on with my research these are the top 5 searches on google that people are asking on this very subject:

  1. What should my morning routine be?
  2. What you should do every morning?
  3. What should be your daily routine?
  4. What is the first thing you do every morning?
  5. What is the miracle morning routine?

Why are we so fascinated with ensuring we have ourselves a top notch morning routine?

Well, what I found out in reading loads of articles and researching the various books available on Amazon it’s really very simple.

It’s all about being organised to the point that you know what your major objective or project is that you want to achieve for the day and week ahead.

And it’s all about making the time without delay and interruptions to completing the designated tasks or projects.

Because at the end of the day we all want to feel like we’ve achieved and completed what we’ve set out to do.

This sounds great, but that’s easier said than done.

Something gets in the way of us achieving what we want to do and that is procrastination.

Procrastination is one of the biggest self sabotages in our life.  People often procrastinate because they’re afraid of failing at the tasks that they need to complete.  

This fear of failure can promote procrastination in various ways, such as by causing people to avoid finishing or even starting the task in the first place.

So one way to combat this is to plan the night before what you want to achieve for the next day.  

This already sets out the intention on what you are going to do once you’re ready to start your day and saves valuable time, when you get to your desk or work place.

I believe that this is one area that when I plan out exactly what I’m going to do the night before, I just get in without delay and waste no time at all getting on with what I’ve set out to do for the day.

I also find that at the beginning of the week I already know what I can expect to achieve for the rest of that week.

What I have noticed that the times I haven’t done this I’ve wasted many a good day and week achieving “bugger all”, which is super frustrating and annoying especially when you have an expectation of getting things done on your list.

Next what I find is that when I adopt a healthy attitude towards food and moving my body I achieve way more in my day.  

I’m not talking about heading to the gym for an hour long session here I’m talking about being aware that your body needs to stretch first thing in the morning to wake it up and I’m talking about being aware of what you put in your mouth all day long.

Because I don’t know about you, but what I’ve found is that when I eat healthier and make healthy food choices, I feel better mentally and physically.

Now as for writing down in a journal your intentions and gratitude for the day.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Firstly, sometimes I forget to write in my journal first thing in the morning because I have so many other things to get sorted being a working Mum.

So for me, what I find more valuable is writing in my journal at night.

I generally grab my journal and write down the kind of day I’ve had whether good or bad and I also write down how I’m feeling.

What I find by doing it a night I allow myself to get out of my head some of the things that may have been bothering me.  It also allows me to write down what I’ve thankful and grateful for.

So do I agree with what the experts say you should do upon waking – yep most of it but I feel we all need to adopt what works for us in the morning and whether that’s getting up early, stretching or writing in a journal that’s completely up to you.

I do feel that deciding what you want to do or achieve the following day is best to do that the night before as it not only saves time but gives you a clear direction on how to start your day.

At the end of the day just do what works for you and makes you feel good.

So whether you adopt some of the rituals that I’ve shared above or come up with your own morning routine and habits, either way it’s about just getting on with the job at hand and making sure you have a good day.

If you’d like more support and help to achieve more in your day then why not head over to my MONTHLY COACHING program where you will feel supported and loved during your financial and emotional journey.

Look forward to seeing you there.

In the meantime, here’s to your health, wealth and happiness.

How To Deal With Overwhelm

How To Deal With Overwhelm

Overwhelm is on the rise and it’s happening more and more to us good folks.

It’s not just because we’re approaching the end of the year but emotions are high with more of us feeling increasingly stressed out for various reasons.

The months leading up to Christmas can be a very stressful time as you may know, with so many things put into high speed to finish off before we break for the holidays.

The feeling of overwhelm is so stressful that at times feels like your head is about to explode.

Overwhelm can come from many areas.  It can come from how you’re feeling about your money, your relationships, your work environment and overall the expectations you put on yourself. Yes, it can come from a whole variety of areas.

A little while ago, I was feeling very overwhelmed and it came from a place of sheer exhaustion from work and what I had expected to happen.  I had put myself under enormous pressure and because I hadn’t hit my goal of being at a certain place in my business I just broke down.

My husband David I don’t think has ever seen me like this.  Normally I’m the one that keeps things ticking along, I’m also the upbeat, happy and positive person in our family, but this wasn’t the case that day.

I just broke down from tiredness, doing too many long hours and trying to figure out how I can get everything done before we break for the Christmas school holidays that was fast approaching.

Having a feeling of overwhelm can bring on anxiety or panic attacks and issues like anxiety can have a detrimental effect on our health.

It’s where everything just feels like it’s on top of you and there is no way out.

One of the ways to identify if you are feeling overwhelmed is to look at what you’ve got going on in your life.

You see we are often pulled in so many directions whether this is in our personal, family, work-life, or even with maintaining our friendships.

Let’s not forget about the pressure to fit in exercise and healthy eating choices so that our bodies are nourished and looked after to ensure we live a long and healthy life.

I know part of my overwhelm is the constant pressure I put on myself to eat healthily and fit in some form of exercise so I can feel better about myself.

One of the major areas for overwhelm is when it comes to our money and it tends to be the number one stress for a lot of people.

For some, it’s the feeling of overwhelm or helplessness on how to improve their financial position that gets extremely overwhelming.

Part of my overwhelm was not only putting myself under work pressure but feeling frustrated that I have pulled much out of our savings account to start a business and get it to the stage today where I am able to become self-sufficient from coaching gorgeous clients.

That for most business owners is a major stress – managing cash flow and ensuring their business is making a profit at the end of the day.

By not dealing or identifying when we are feeling overwhelmed – it can quickly escalate and take its toll on us not only emotionally but physically.

We may sometimes lack confidence in the ability to achieve what we’ve set out to do.

And we become very irritable and unhappy when this occurs.

Like I mentioned before there is the potential for our health to suffer in the process, whether stomach complaints or the onset of anxiety and depression.

The very first thing to do is understand why you’re feeling overwhelmed?

  • Are you trying to be everything to everyone?
  • Could you be trying to focus on too many things at once?  or
  • Possibly you’re being too optimistic about how much time it will take to do a particular task.
  • Maybe you’re just not saying “NO” to people who may be taking up more time from you than you have to give at the moment.

For me, it is trying to do everything and be everything in my business.

So take a look at what’s causing you to feel overwhelmed and see where you can make life a little easier for you.

After you’re clearer what’s causing you to feel overwhelmed start with these 5 simple tips to get things back under control and in balance.

1 First and foremost take a deep breath.

2 write down every task, project or event whether for work or family and get it down on paper.  Then look to see if you can delegate any of the areas that you feel you just can not handle anymore.  If you’re a working parent or stay at home parent and just can’t seem to get on top of things around the house – maybe you could consider hiring a cleaner once a week or fortnight to help.  This is one area that doesn’t cost a fortune and will take enormous pressure off with the many other tasks busy people & parents have on their plate.

3 Next focus on what’s important to you and what priorities you need to get done.    Most importantly look to decide what your priorities are any learn to say NO without any guilt associated to any colleague, family or friend you feel maybe encroaching on the limited time you have to get your stuff done.

4 Ask for help when you feel those overwhelming feelings come up.  Never be too proud to ask someone to help you when you start to feel overwhelmed.  You will be surprised at how many people will offer to help out when you’re feeling under the pump.

AND then…

5 Be kind to yourself and remember you only one person and can only do so much.

To help when those feelings of overwhelm come up, I have a worksheet you can download that will get you thinking where your time is being spent and how certain areas within your life may be overloading your brain and the ability to achieve more in your life.

Download the worksheet at RESOURCES

How is overwhelming crippling you and how are you learning to handle it?

Leave me a comment on your thoughts about overwhelm and let me know if you enjoyed this article.

Until next time, here’s to your health, wealth and happiness.

How To Stay Poor & Miserable

How To Stay Poor & Miserable

Let’s talk about how your thoughts, views and what you possibly heard when growing up is seeing you still miserable and poor!

Your attitude combined with who taught you about money – has shaped the way you live today whether you are experiencing financial stress or have money behind you and living a stress-free life.

I want you to answer this question?

Who was your role model, who did you learn your money management skills from while growing up?  

Did your parents or grandparents ever talk to you about money?

Having conversations around the dinner table while growing up about money is equally as important as the “Birds n Bees” talk that most of us are given at a certain age – if you know what I mean.  

They say talking about money is taboo but I disagree.  If you don’t start talking about money how are you ever going to learn about managing it more effectively?

Whether you grew up talking about how to save and use money wisely or not has shaped your perception today on how you live your life and what kind of a lifestyle you have created for yourself.  

You will either have money in the bank or spend every dollar you earn. 

You see 80% of us are managing our money out of sheer habit with no real understanding why and this has adverse effects down the track if you haven’t got a grasp on how to work it well. As it can either make or break the quality of our life in years to come.

I was having this very conversation with my Mum a while back and she was commenting that money was never talked about.  There was never the education around this subject like she said is starting to happen today.

“Mum went on to say that it’s not until you retire that you start to feel the pressure or relief of how you worked your money.  She stressed that saving is not a thing for today’s generation and she wished they knew the real power of this as she said it’s going to make a huge difference to the quality of someone’s life at the end of their working life”.

We are sadly creatures of habit.  We do the same things over and over again often expecting to get different results but of course, we’re going to get the same results if we don’t change our thinking or our habits.

If you have decided you want a better life, then you have to look at what your belief is around money.

What did you hear growing up about money?

I’m guessing a few of these saying probably popped up and has created in some part a belief system to which you manage your money today.

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • It takes money to make money.
  • Some people, without a doubt, have more dollars than sense
  • He who has the gold makes the rules
  • A good name is better than riches.
  • Health is better than wealth.
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • You can’t take it with you when you die – now that’s spoken like a true spender lol!  and the last common saying you may have heard is …AND
  • Money isn’t everything

Another contributing factor to what you may have heard about money is through sources like:

TV and regular news bulletins – which the media is great at giving you the grim view about financial markets and money today.  They thrive off the negative stories. 

How many times do you hear positive news stories about everyday people making it big (yes we hear about the lotto win stories) but over time we know that if those winning the lotto haven’t got a handle on how to manage money then in a few short years they will be back to where they started before winning.  

Another popular source for hearing about money is when catching up with friends, especially from those friends that consider themselves a wiz at investing. 

Offering you their 2 cents worth of knowledge on how they made a fair bit of money on xyz stock or a particular investment, but never how much they lost during the process.  I challenge you to ask them how much they have lost up to that point! 

There are so many areas to hear and learn about financial education.

A word of caution though to check where you’re getting your information from to see if it’s from a reliable source.

AND always trust your gut instinct because if it looks too good to be true then it probably is.

The subconscious is such a powerful thing that what you think about all day long is what you attract and this applies especially to your lack or abundant thinking about money. 

When we keep saying to ourself ….oh we have no money… we’re poor…. we’re never going to get ahead then that’s what you’re going to keep getting.

But when you say to yourself, ok I’ve got this I’m going to keep putting money away and not touch it.  I’m going to use cash for a while to curb my spending.  I’m going to get there and we’re going to be debt free in no time then you will.

Keeping a positive mindset is one thing but actually doing the thing that’s going to free you up financially is another and both go hand in hand.

So what could you do today to change the way you think about money?

Motivational sayings are especially good when you feel a negative or disbelieving thought come up.

Having a massive belief in yourself that you’re going to make it is another way to change things.

Watch how things start to improve when you combine a positive mindset with activity and action.

Three facts about money I’m going to leave with you are:

  1. Having good money habits takes enormous pressure and stress off you worrying about how you can afford to live day to day.
  2. Having an awesome mindset can move you from poor money habits to good money habits, and 
  3. Lastly, anyone can change their belief around money if you decide to choose to, regardless of how you grew up and where you came from.

If you’re looking for more help and guidance in managing your money and getting your money back into great financial shape – then check out my ONLINE PROGRAMS that I’ve created to teach people this very thing – how to move them into awesome financial health.

Also available is my monthly coaching program that helps you to stay on track while you achieve your financial goals.

Look forward to seeing you in one of my programs.

Until next time…….here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

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