How to Deal with Overwhelm – 006

Overwhelm comes in many different forms whether it be from our work, family pressures, money stress or just not being able to figure out how to stay true to ourselves with the many pressures life has upon us.

This podcast is about offering some simple tips and strategies to help you deal with overwhelm.

In this podcast, I share my own story on how I felt completely overwhelmed a few months back and how I dealt with it.

SUBSCRIBE to hear more tips and information on areas relating to financial and mindset.

There is a resource to download over on the RESOURCES PAGE on my website, if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed from money stress and how I help people with become better money managers:

Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.

Celebrate Your Milestones

Celebrate Your Milestones



Yesterday my gorgeous fella turned 50.

We took this at 1am after cleaning up from his party 🎉 on Saturday night remembering we didn’t get one photo of the 3 of us. Too late for our daughter to get into the photo as she was fast asleep 😴 by then.

Reaching 50 or any milestone in your life is worth celebrating 🥳.

It’s important to celebrate the milestones along the way whether it be birthdays, paying off debt, work achievements or whatever joy and happiness has come in at that time.

When we celebrate the special milestones in our life it triggers a change in habit to our brain 🧠 and this enables more of the good stuff to come in.

Celebrating even the fact you’re still here is a major milestone today as I’m sure we’ve all had special people in our life that are not here and had their time cut short.

Gratitude and appreciating all that you have in life – whether you don’t feel like being grateful because of certain circumstances that have occurred in your life – is the key to receiving more.

Now I’m not going to bang on here about gratitude and appreciation, as I feel there is plenty of that out there for you to tap into in other’s messages.

What I do want to share and highlight is to truly appreciate all what you have today whether it be a little or a lot and be thankful that you’re here.

So enjoy every milestone and moment in your life and live with love and gratitude ❤️ 

karen giglia signature



p.s. check out that rogue strand of hair sticking out lol – I was too tired to take another photo but love that we finally got one of the two of us before the night was out.   Important to document special occasions even with unruly hair 🙂


Happiness Is A Choice

Happiness Is A Choice

Most of us desire happiness and balance but very few of us know how to get it in their life.

This is a tough subject because there are so many factors that inhibit us from truly being happy.

The obvious one that appears a lot is the lack of money and the other is we’re too busy being busy that we’re not stopping to see what’s going on around us and then making the changes we need to bring more happiness and joy in our life.

I was reflecting this morning how for the first time in weeks how I have really enjoyed the start of the school day with my daughter and how it felt when I wasn’t rushing her to get ready for school, with packing her bag, brushing her teeth and brushing her hair ready for me to tie up.

Ruby loves to dance in front of the mirror and often comes up with dance moves. Typical pre-teen. She’s got some good dance moves even though she doesn’t want to do dancing lessons.  She often breaks out in dance moves when I feel we don’t have the time.

However, this particular day I just allowed and it was such a special moment. I caught myself really smiling just not a smirk to humour her and I was caught up in her moment. It reminded me of what life was like when I was a kid many moons ago. The freedom to do whatever I wanted without worry, without the hassle of all the things it takes to be an adult today with the many responsibilities.

So why today, what was so special about today…what was different about it. Why did I stop and be in the moment and be present in my daughter’s usual shenanigans?

It hit me about an hour later after I dropped her at school.

The ahhha moment at that time was,….take pressure off yourself – things will get done when they’re meant to get done. You can’t rush life.

Now some of you listening may be thinking that this is not the most motivating conversation for but for me, it was and made so much sense.

It was about knowing what’s really important and why we are working – not just to earn an income and pay our bills. For most of us we’re working – so we can build a life that we want to enjoy.  It’s about creating a life we truly desire and makes us happy.

So many people strive for balance but most don’t actually get there. We’re too busy working, shuffling kids to sports, birthday parties and other things that we do when we have a family and taking care of our loved ones or whatever fills our busy adult days.

Life is precious.

Going back to my moment this morning something also hit me….

Last year my Dad’s 3 eldest brothers past away plus his best childhood friend all in the same year.

It was a reality call that highlighted again to me that I can’t take life for granted and I have to make each moment count.

I’ve heard that saying before but never really took much notice of it until reflecting at the end of last year.

Make each moment count as you just don’t know when our time on earth is up – none of us know when we will take our last breath.

Choose to spend time with the people that count.  I’m choosing spend my time with the family and friends who make me happy and bring joy into my life and not because I have to see them.

Spend time with people who make you laugh, people who don’t judge, aren’t jealous or envious of you but love you for who you are warts and all.

Choose to declutter and detox not only things in and around your house, but people who don’t bring you happiness.

Choose to live life the way God intended us to – in peace, harmony and joy.

I challenge you here today to do more of what makes you happy. Reflect on all that is good in your life and clean out that which is not.

Don’t be afraid to offend people. Just do what you feel is right for you and your family.

It’s such a good feeling once you’ve done this – trust me!

This is one of the gifts I can give our daughter – teaching her to live her life with no regrets. Not worrying about what people think or say about her behind her back. To believe in herself and not listen to what other people say or think of her, but to listen to how she feels.

People will always have an opinion on who you are and how you should live your life. Choose not to let them get under your skin and choose your own special brand of happiness.

When you worry about what other people think it’s because you either have low self esteem and want to feel accepted or because in some truth there’s something about you that you possibly you need to change.

The people we are attract in our life often mirror something we like or don’t like about ourself.

Your reality is what you’re focussing on and thinking about is having a mirroring effect into what you’re attracting into your life whether it be a positive or negative experience.

It’s important to feed yourself and the next generation with positiveness, hope and the expectation we can achieve anything if we choose.

Choose to be happy and take the inspired action.

What are some of the ways you are choosing to be more happier and decluttering negativity out of your life?  Let me know by leaving me your thoughts below.


10 Simple Ways To Spend Less Money – 005

Hi it’s great to see you here.

Today I’m going to share with you my top 10 tips on how you can spend less without feeling like you are missing out.

There are so many ways you can put more money back into your pocket whist spending less money and without having to cut costs or stick to a budget that most of us struggle to work with.

The ten but not exhaustive tips I’m sharing in this podcast – I trust will give you some inspiration on how you can look at ways to spend less and start feeling good about the way you can manage money better.

Where are the ways you could spend less while enjoying more money in your pocket?  Leave me a comment and let me know if you enjoyed this podcast.

SUBSCRIBE to hear more tips and information on areas relating to financial and mindset.

Here are the resources mentioned in this episode:

Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.


Choosing To Be Happy – 004

Hi and welcome back.

Wow it’s been a while since I’ve recorded a podcast – my apologises. 

I recently had someone ask hey where are your podcasts I’ve missed them.    Actually I didn’t know anyone was listening as nobody seems to comment, which doesn’t surprise me but would be nice every now and then to know someone is listening.

Well I put on hold recording while I was finishing off writing some courses that I’ve released this year.  So I’m back into recording and I hope you continue to enjoy.

In this episode podcast 003 I’ve decided to share my thoughts on happiness.

Why, because everybody wants to be happy – but very few people know how to achieve it in their life.

This is a tough subject because there are so many factors that inhibit us from truly being happy.  One that appears a lot is a lack of money and the other is we’re too busy being busy that we’re not stopping to see what’s going on around us and then making the changes we need to bring more happiness and joy in our life.

In this podcast, I’m going to share how the little things can bring more happiness if you allow them – so I hope you enjoy.

SUBSCRIBE to hear more tips and information on areas relating to financial and mindset and leave a comment on what areas of your life stresses you out the most.

Here are some resources to support you in your journey for happiness:

Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.


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