Hi there, in this episode I’m is going to be talking to you about the psychology of money, which is basically how your thoughts and views about money and what you possibly heard when growing up has shaped the way you manage your money today.
In one way or another depending who taught you about money – this has shaped the way you manage it today whether you are experiencing financial stress or have money behind you and living a stress free life
I want you to think about the answer to this question…….who was your role model or who did you learn your money management skills from while growing up?
You see a lot of people find dealing with money stressful and very overwhelming. I believe it’s because they don’t understand some of the basic principals to having money work to their advantage. Instead using debt as a way to get ahead but it’s seeing them fall further behind.
There is no doubt that knowledge is power and having good money habits and beliefs about money can see individuals and families enjoy more of the good stuff in life.
Like….being happier. Less stressed. More overall confidence in their life and healthier because they’re not stressed out about money.
So take a listen to see how what your belief is around money.
SUBSCRIBE to hear more tips and information on areas relating to financial and mindset and leave a comment on some of the money sayings you heard growing up.
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