Let’s talk about how your thoughts, views and what you possibly heard when growing up is seeing you still miserable and poor!

Your attitude combined with who taught you about money – has shaped the way you live today whether you are experiencing financial stress or have money behind you and living a stress-free life.

I want you to answer this question?

Who was your role model, who did you learn your money management skills from while growing up?  

Did your parents or grandparents ever talk to you about money?

Having conversations around the dinner table while growing up about money is equally as important as the “Birds n Bees” talk that most of us are given at a certain age – if you know what I mean.  

They say talking about money is taboo but I disagree.  If you don’t start talking about money how are you ever going to learn about managing it more effectively?

Whether you grew up talking about how to save and use money wisely or not has shaped your perception today on how you live your life and what kind of a lifestyle you have created for yourself.  

You will either have money in the bank or spend every dollar you earn. 

You see 80% of us are managing our money out of sheer habit with no real understanding why and this has adverse effects down the track if you haven’t got a grasp on how to work it well. As it can either make or break the quality of our life in years to come.

I was having this very conversation with my Mum a while back and she was commenting that money was never talked about.  There was never the education around this subject like she said is starting to happen today.

“Mum went on to say that it’s not until you retire that you start to feel the pressure or relief of how you worked your money.  She stressed that saving is not a thing for today’s generation and she wished they knew the real power of this as she said it’s going to make a huge difference to the quality of someone’s life at the end of their working life”.

We are sadly creatures of habit.  We do the same things over and over again often expecting to get different results but of course, we’re going to get the same results if we don’t change our thinking or our habits.

If you have decided you want a better life, then you have to look at what your belief is around money.

What did you hear growing up about money?

I’m guessing a few of these saying probably popped up and has created in some part a belief system to which you manage your money today.

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • It takes money to make money.
  • Some people, without a doubt, have more dollars than sense
  • He who has the gold makes the rules
  • A good name is better than riches.
  • Health is better than wealth.
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • You can’t take it with you when you die – now that’s spoken like a true spender lol!  and the last common saying you may have heard is …AND
  • Money isn’t everything

Another contributing factor to what you may have heard about money is through sources like:

TV and regular news bulletins – which the media is great at giving you the grim view about financial markets and money today.  They thrive off the negative stories. 

How many times do you hear positive news stories about everyday people making it big (yes we hear about the lotto win stories) but over time we know that if those winning the lotto haven’t got a handle on how to manage money then in a few short years they will be back to where they started before winning.  

Another popular source for hearing about money is when catching up with friends, especially from those friends that consider themselves a wiz at investing. 

Offering you their 2 cents worth of knowledge on how they made a fair bit of money on xyz stock or a particular investment, but never how much they lost during the process.  I challenge you to ask them how much they have lost up to that point! 

There are so many areas to hear and learn about financial education.

A word of caution though to check where you’re getting your information from to see if it’s from a reliable source.

AND always trust your gut instinct because if it looks too good to be true then it probably is.

The subconscious is such a powerful thing that what you think about all day long is what you attract and this applies especially to your lack or abundant thinking about money. 

When we keep saying to ourself ….oh we have no money… we’re poor…. we’re never going to get ahead then that’s what you’re going to keep getting.

But when you say to yourself, ok I’ve got this I’m going to keep putting money away and not touch it.  I’m going to use cash for a while to curb my spending.  I’m going to get there and we’re going to be debt free in no time then you will.

Keeping a positive mindset is one thing but actually doing the thing that’s going to free you up financially is another and both go hand in hand.

So what could you do today to change the way you think about money?

Motivational sayings are especially good when you feel a negative or disbelieving thought come up.

Having a massive belief in yourself that you’re going to make it is another way to change things.

Watch how things start to improve when you combine a positive mindset with activity and action.

Three facts about money I’m going to leave with you are:

  1. Having good money habits takes enormous pressure and stress off you worrying about how you can afford to live day to day.
  2. Having an awesome mindset can move you from poor money habits to good money habits, and 
  3. Lastly, anyone can change their belief around money if you decide to choose to, regardless of how you grew up and where you came from.

If you’re looking for more help and guidance in managing your money and getting your money back into great financial shape – then check out my ONLINE PROGRAMS that I’ve created to teach people this very thing – how to move them into awesome financial health.

Also available is my monthly coaching program that helps you to stay on track while you achieve your financial goals.

Look forward to seeing you in one of my programs.

Until next time…….here’s to your financial health, wealth & happiness.

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