Your Money eMagazine
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Debt Consolidation: A Midlife Financial Tune-Up
Whether it’s credit card debts, personal loans, or car payments, keeping track can be overwhelming. This is where debt consolidation comes in as a practical financial strategy, providing a much-needed tune-up for your finances.
Navigating Your Mortgage in Your Prime Years
Navigating your mortgage during these prime years can be both empowering and financially rewarding if you take the right approach.
Smart Budgeting for Midlife Adventures
In the journey of life, the years between 35 and 50 are often the most dynamic. You’re navigating the peak of your career, perhaps raising a family, and dreaming about those well-deserved vacations or adventures. But how do you balance these dreams with the reality of financial responsibilities? The answer lies in smart budgeting.
New Year – New Financial Goals
As we welcome the year 2024, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our financial journeys and set new goals.
How to Be Mortgage-Free in 4 Easy Steps
Imagine receiving the deeds to your home with just your name on it and not your bank, as previously they had joint custody of your home.
Just imagine what it would be like to not pay a mortgage, or better yet, to be well on your way to owning your investment property.
10 Tips on How I Help My Clients Get a Home Loan as a Mortgage Broker
As a mortgage broker, I work with you to help gather all the necessary paperwork and documents required for your home loan application that a lender requires.
Mastering Your Money Mindset: How the Powerful Connection Between Managing Your Money and Unshakable Confidence Go Hand in Hand
How we handle money can have a big effect on how confident we feel, and the same is true in reverse.
Struggling with the high cost of living?
If you are looking for ways to tackle the rising cost of living, here are some things you can do TODAY to put money back into your pocket. Every dollar saved can make a difference!
How to know if you are home loan ready?
So you want to buy your first or even second home…but not sure if you are Home Loan ready?
Here are 8 “Must HAVES” in place to ensure you are home loan ready before applying for a home loan.
Flat Chat: Why Units Could Soon Become Hot Property
Apartments stand out as an affordable choice when it comes to cracking the property market, not to mention downsizing. But a looming shortage may soon push unit values higher.
What Are Some Other Ways Can You Support Someone Who is Experiencing Financial Stress?
Supporting someone who is stressed out about money can make a big difference in their overall well-being and financial situation.
How to Help Someone With Financial Stress?
Supporting someone with money stress can be challenging because they may be resistant to accepting help or discussing their financial difficulties with you.
Often people don’t want you to know they are struggling because of judgement, but this is the time to be the friend or family member to support them. There is always a way out and often they can’t see that due to the stress they are experiencing.